
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller



The movie is based on George Saunders' short story, 'Escape from Spiderhead'.


Jeff,a man haunted by the car accident in which his best friend and girlfriend died,chose to be part of an experiment instead of serving his time in a state prison.

The experiments are at times painful,at times embarrassing,as the lead scientist,played by Thor himself,is making the subjects do things against their will,trying to find what he calls a love drug,or maybe he just has darker motives.


Jeff likes one of the inmates who works at the restaurant of the facility ,but due to the things he is made to do,he tries to stay away from her and asks to be transferred.


All inmates have this device inserted at the back of their spine which controls the drugs inserted into their system through a phone,drugs which once activated,take their free will and make them act unlike their normal self would.


The scientist seems to be obsessed with this drug which gives people atrocious pains,making them fear things they usually don't,to the point they kill themselves. He also likes to push people's buttons in order to get his way.


The credits on the screen are written in pink,the way one would in a romantic comedy,although this is a sci fi thriller.

The actors were good,the plot rises questions as in,what would one do to escape jail,and if the price paid as part of an experiment is worth avoiding jail.


Spiderhead is a Netflix production and is streaming exclusively on their platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !