
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h7min


Genre : Musical / Comedy


Cast : Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Octavia Spencer



The movie is inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol .


Scrooge works at the afterlife department where they deal with setting mean people good. He's been working there for 200 years, and he refuses to retire and go back to earth, as he is afraid he didn't actually change, and is gonna make the same mistakes again.


Out on their new mission, to set another man on the good path, he sees a speaker, Clint Briggs. He sees potential in setting him straight, although his boss considers him an Unredeemable,so there's no point on using their time and energy on him .


Scrooge thinks that if he can help redeem this guy, he can be redeemed too, and go back to earth, although, he's been redeemed and can go back, for 46 seasons,now!


The boss finally accepts, and although hard at first, Scrooge starts to get to the guy, and form a bond with him.

Scrooge is also interested in the man's assistant,Kimberly, and thinks more and more of going back to earth for her, one thing stopping him though, what if people don't actually change?


The movie has beautiful set design, costumes, beautiful colors, but I hated the music. I hate musicals, and this one also had just awful songs, not to mention they also danced!

I think the movie would have been much better without the singing and dancing. Whenever they act normal, I actually like the movie, how they act and everything, but then they immediately start singing and dancing again, and most times I either took the headphones out of my ears or muted the movie!


Spirited is an Apple production and is streaming exclusively on Apple Tv+.


Rating : Could have been a contender !