
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror


Cast : Pyotr Fyodorov



Sputnik means 'companion','travelling companion','fellow traveller' as the satellite accompanies the earth.


The movie takes place in 1983,and opens with two astronauts returning to earth as they encounter an unknown entity outside their space shuttle.


Fast forward to a young psychiatrist who is summoned to a secret research facility to examine the living astronaut.

She thinks he has post traumatic stress,so,at night,her superior takes her to the astronaut's designated resting place.

That's when she sees how,at night,during a certain period,this alien creature comes out of him,growing in size,to go back into his body hours later,after it fed.


Some would say the movie has an unexpected ending,especially in the emotional area,but if you realize certain characters connected and they do what they do out of love for one another the ending is not hard to see.


The movie was great,amazing visuals,great soundtrack,great performances. The movie really felt like a Hollywood blockbuster,not a foreign one.


Sputnik is streaming on Hulu,and you can rent it or sale on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Vudu, YouTube.

Rating : It's so money !