Stalking Laura

Year of release : 1993


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Drama / Thriller


Cast : Brooke Shields, Richard Thomas



The movie,also known as 'I can make you love me', is based on a a true story.


Laura is starting her career as a computer technician in Sillicon Valley in the 1980's. One of the first employees she meets gets an obsession with her. He keeps on asking her out,she keeps on refusing,and he keeps on telling her it would be easier to just date him,just to get him off her back.


He finds out where she lives and comes to her place,finds out where she goes to the gym,and joins in.

She tells her boss about it,so they would do something about it,but she never goes to the police! Her boss doesn't believe her,and tells her maybe is due to the fact she smiles too much when talking to people (I do that too,and get into trouble) and that maybe she doesn't dress appropriately(she does).


The plot was good,but poorly delivered. The movie was so bad,at times I started laughing due to the actors' or characters' reactions to what happened to them!


The actors,except for Richard Thomas,who played the stalker,were one worse than the other! They never acted or reacted the way one would in the situation they were in,especially Brooke Shields!

Also,just once,I'd like to see an unattractive actor / actress playing the stalker!


The soundtrack was awful,to me. In the late '80's-early '90's they were obsessed with the saxophone or trumpet,and I just hate it,I'm always thinking they belong in s3xy movies!


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Could have been a contender! / Razzie Award Contender !