
Year of release : 1964


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Horror


Cast : Joan Crawford



Lucy Harbin is an older woman who married her second husband, who's younger,for love. Problem is,her husband is a cheater, and one night, as she comes back home, she finds him with his mistress. In a fit of rage and despair, she takes the axe she stumbles upon outside, and ch0ps their h3ads off.

Unluckily for her, her daughter sees everything.


20 years later, Lucy is being released from the mental institution. Lucy seems afraid of everything,and she even has a nightmare which seems pretty real, as the heads on her pillow look like the ones women use to put their wigs on.


Her daughter offers to take her shopping to cheer her up. Once shopping, she makes her wear the same kind of clothes Lucy did when young, even wear a wig which looked like the haircut she had when she was young.

Lucy seems to become a different person when she dresses up, as the first time she does, she pretty much hits on her daughter's fiance.

Lucy's doctor comes to see her, and when he tries to look for her, as she ran out, he is k1lled with an axe, after the rattling of her bracelets is heard.


The movie has a pretty good idea, just that I think it wasn't used to the fullest. The whole time I was thinking the kind of blood splatter ch0ping off someone's head must leave, but that didn't pass through the creators' minds,as the places were clean moments after.


The actors were so and so, as I think they were pretty good, but they could have been better. The fiance seemed bored or something.

The movie's sound always went up a notch whenever they screamed, or when they used other sounds like the pigs squealing or the rooster singing,to 'hide' the murder sounds from the rest of the world.

Back in the day the movies were cut weird, like when they screamed and the camera went to their face,with the unsettling close-ups. Speaking of screaming and the shocked scare look- that wasn't acted out so well, in my opinion.

Also, Lucy was wearing these bracelets which were so loud!I think you could hear them from a mile away!


When it comes to the look the ladies had, I hated the 'young' wig Lucy wore, it was so ugly! I thought she looked so much better with the 'old' look. Even the clothes were better!

I loved the daughter's outfits,minus the hair.


I liked the twist at the end,which to be honest, I saw coming,and was a good plot device.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !