Sugar daddies

Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h28min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Peter Strauss, Taylor Black



Kara is a 21 year old law student, who works as a waitress to pay for her tuition. Her parents struggle with money,as her father was in a car accident the year before,and now the insurance won't cover his hospital expenses.


Her boss "let's her go" as they don't have enough money to keep all their employees,and she was the last one hired.


Her friend takes her to a bar where all the girls are young and pretty, while the men are old. After she is courted by an old man,her friend tells her her old "boyfriend" is paying her tuition while she gives him what he wants.


Seeing she can't get a new job and her parents are struggling,she accepts the old man's offer.

The old man takes her on a private plane trip to San Francisco on their first date,gives her a 5000 dollars check after their first night together,a car and diamond earrings.


At first she's not into it,and is embarrassed,but her two friends who also have sugar daddies, one of them telling her what a catch Grant is,while her own is a perv who makes her do things she'd never do, she gets used to it.


Her boyfriend starts to suspect she's cheating,so they broke up.


Just when she starts to loosen up and gets comfortable with Grant,he asks her to do weird things to him.


She starts blowing him off while at her parents' party,which is not something one should do to a man like him,when he gave her so much,having a sort of deal of give and take. She's not the one with the upper hand here.


She crashes Grant's car,so she asks her father to fix it. So her father finds out about her and Grant. And goes to his mansion and knocks him out.


The acting is kinda bad at the beginning,and not only. Certain actors,like Peter Strauss are good,but they don't have actors they can bounce their lines off. Speaking of which, when I was a kid, I watched quite a few of Peter Strauss' movies,and he was gorgeous!


The scenes and dialogue ,especially in the beginning,seem forced to advance the plot, they don't flow naturally. I didn't like how the movie was shot, whenever someone remembers something,they replay the scenes,and I personally hate that.


One of the characters,one of her friends, has a sugar daddy for quite some time-she was in the game long before Kara joined-, but somehow doesn't have any money and asks Kara to give her some,when she knows she doesn't have any,she even comes off as entitled,"don't you have something you can pawn?Grant is a generous guy!" So? That doesn't mean I have to give you anything! Like, why should I struggle to give you anything ,when I'm in the same boat as you?! I may come off as harsh, but when you don't have money for yourself, I think it's Ok to say No to those who ask you for money. She gives her friend the earrings,but the woman wears them instead of pawning them. Like I said,no good deed!


The movie has a chick lit feel to it,due to how it has everything thrown in there, even murder,towards the end. I think the movie had a good premise but it failed on delivery.


You can watch the full movie for free here :


Rating : Could have been a contender !