
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Thriller / Horror



The movie is apparently based on the real life Kola Superdeep Borehole.


In 1984 a Russian research team goes into a scientist research lab built miles underground(kinda like in Resident Evil)to get to the bottom of whatever happens there.


One of the scientists working there seems to be crazy or maybe just knows more than he's allowed to say,and bombs the lab in an attempt to destroy it and nobody to leave the place alive.


They soon come into contact with a woman who has some sort of parasite,infecting her skin,as her back looks like the moss and skin of a tree. The woman says it doesn't hurt and slowly she's being changed into something otherworldly.


I honestly liked the storyline ,but. I don't know if it was the acting or the dubbing(I watched a dubbed version). The leading actress seems to be sleepwalking through her role,nothing seems to phase her. She has these memories which haunt her to the point they look real,and her reaction to me wasn't what I expected. She seems tired,bored,that's how she's acting, like nothing phases her.


Most of the time I didn't understand the English as the dubbing(looking at her lips it doesn't look like the movie is dubbed,so I don't know if it was her or the dubbing,but it was awful) the actress doing the dubbing talks as if her mouth is always full,and I can barely understand what she's saying.


There's another guy wearing a mustache-my god,the dubbing(I hope it was dubbed ) was awful,he was talking like a tv presenter instead of acting! Whenever he talked it was as if watching the news! There was a scene which wasn't funny,but made me laugh,like Chris Stuckmann said,it's so bad it's making you laugh!


Google says the movie is in English and Russian,so that settles it.



There's a scene in which one of these people who are infected turn into a sort of moss-wooden mush and these boils on them explode releasing spores. The lead is in there,without a costume but she's fine,she's not infected! Those spores get in everywhere,especially since the thing released(looked like smoke) was released for a very long time! I think it went on for about a minute or more.


Rating : Could have been a contender !