Terminator 2 Judgment Day

Release date : 1991


Run time : 2h17min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi


Cast : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick


Directed by : James Cameron



I watched this movie last night, again,and I still loved it. The movie even now feels new. The visual effects are still good and are worthy of the ones we have today.


For those who never watched Terminator (what have you been waiting for,this is one of the best movies ever,a masterpiece !),it tells the story of John Connor,and his mother Sarah.

In part 2,a terminator also known as a cyborg,from the future,is sent to 1991 to protect John Connor,the savior of humanity in a 2029 war against the machines which became self aware and decided it didn't need humans anymore.


In the future,John Connor is the leader of the human resistance,and the machines already sent back in 1984 ( when the action of the first Terminator takes place) a terminator to kill his mother, but it failed its mission,as John Connor himself sent a human soldier to protect his mother,the human soldier proving to be his father.


Now,John Connor sends a terminator his team hijacked into,in order to make him his protector in the past,as the machines send a better terminator to finish the job.


Both terminators reach the past,and the characters' present,at the same time,looking for John.


John lives with his relatives now,as his mother was hospitalized by the authorities,being considered crazy and dangerous.

John believes the authorities,and hates his mother for lying to him. He did pick up some really good,some would say great survival skills from living off the grid,meaning,he could take care of himself ( he can hack into people's money accounts,can load and fire weapons).


Sarah tries to be good,so the doctors at the psych ward she's at,would allow her to see her son. When time is due,they refuse to allow her visits.


After an amazing action scene in which the two terminators are in a fight for life and death,as the humans would describe it,John understands his mother was telling the truth all along,and decides to rescue her,although the terminator tells him that's the next place the T 1000 ( the cyborg advanced prototype) would look.


Although at first,Sarah wants to terminate the cyborg as she fears what is capable of,she then learns to trust it,and understands the cyborg will be the best father for John,as it would always protect him,as she put it,it would die to protect him,and would never harm him.


Sarah leaves John in the care of the terminator and decides to go after the creator of the cyborg technology.


The movie is epic,the action scenes are brilliant,I think the reason they are so good,and stand the test of time is they are real,they aren't CGIed,the only things CGIed are mostly the T1000 features,and they still look amazing!


Robert Patrick is just as chilling as the T 1000 prototype as Arnold was in the first one.


I loved the dream sequences,in which Sarah dreams about John's father,and the destruction of humanity.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !