The 4400

Year of release : 2004


Run time : 4 seasons


Genre : Sci Fi / Mini Series


Cast : Joel Gretsch, Jacqueline McKenzie, Patrick Flueger, Conchita Campbell, Chad Faust, Billy Campbell, Mahershala Ali



Season 1


Run time : 41min - 1h22min (pilot), 6 episodes



People are being taken by an unseen force at different places in time.

In the present the movie takes place,meaning 2004, a comet is coming towards earth. The comet slows down as it gets closer to earth,and almost lands, as it disintegrates and leaves on the beach 4400 people,from children to old people.

Not knowing what they are, they are being quarantined.


Agents Tom Baldwin and Diana Skouris are being designated by their superior to work on the case.

Tom, who's son has been in a coma for the last 3 years,since his nephew disappeared, recognizes his nephew,Shawn,among these people. He thinks he might have the answers to what happened to his son,as they were together at the time,and he always thought he did something to him,then ran away.


After 6 weeks in quarantine,as there's nothing wrong with them, the people are being let go.


A little girl, Maia, is being taken by a couple,but she freaks them out by always telling them what's about to happen.

An older man goes looking for his wife,and finds her in a home,having Alzheimer. He tries to get a job at the company he used to own , but they don't want to hire him. He goes to the man's home (who's the son of his former partner),and getting angry,he creates a sort of earthquake, cracking the man's skull with the power of his mind.


Lily had a 3 months old when she vanished, and now her husband wants nothing to do with her, as he remarried,and their daughter doesn't know she's her mother.


Richard used to be a soldier in the Korea war, and was dating a woman named Lily. Meeting Lily,who looks just like her, he finds out she is her grand daughter and Lily died before she was born. As he can't find anything familiar where he used to live,he comes back,and by chance,meets Lily again. They  decide to stay together and care for each other, getting a place together, as Lily finds out she's pregnant,and it can't be her ex husband's baby,as she hasn't been with anyone except him when she was taken.


Shawn realizes he has the power to heal,when a bird hits a window and wakes up in his hands,flying away. He tries to wake up his cousin, and although at first it doesn't go so well, he brings him back.

His brother starts to dislike him,maybe also because he sees his girlfriend takes an interest in Shawn.


Maia suggests to Diana that she should adopt her, so Diana accepts.


Kyle,Tom's son, thinks he's not himself, as he says he recognizes his parents,but at the same time they are strangers. He looks disconnected from the world, and the agent sent to asses the investigation into the 4400 takes him into custody.


Shawn starts dating his brother's ex girlfriend,and when his brother finds out he fights him, and pushing him away, Shawn sucks his energy, scaring him and his mother. He finds refuge at Jordan Collier's center for the returnees.

Jordan Collier is a millionaire business man,one of the 4400, who opens a center for the returnees, as people see them as threats, some of them going as far as bombing them.


Lily and Richard find a safe haven at Jordan Collier's center, but they run away from Jordan, as they find out he's interested in their baby.


Diana and Tom get closer as friends, both being attached to someone who is a 4400. They come up with a plan to get his son out of the government agency, and Maia tells them their son is the answer to why were they taken.




Season 2


Run time : 41min - 1h25min



The season opens 6 months later, a year after the events took place.


The first episode opens with Richard's nightmare, of him running through a forest, with bloody hands. They find fliers where they live (at their door,and around town) against the returnees, and Lily,who's baby talks to her,telling her what to do, says they have to leave, but Richard refuses.


At the Collier center,named 'the 4400', Shawn is healing people who donate money or property to Collier. He also heals Jordan,who has incredible head aches which can't be healed,headaches given by Lily's baby when he tried to stop them from leaving his center.

He is trying to get the center to be tax exempt, and even wrote a book. It becomes clear he is trying to turn this into a cult, when Kyle visits Shawn and he is thrown out, as apparently Shawn is not allowed to see anyone!


Diana officially adopts Maia, who tells her she doesn't have visions anymore.


Tom is now working a desk job, while his son has been in the government's custody,studying him. He and Diana have a new boss, as their old one was promoted.


At a mental institution, a schizophrenic patient who is one of the returnees, talks about how once she'll built her machine, the ones who took her,are going to take her back. She is friends with another mental patient who is very attached to her, and takes care of her (their bond was so sweet!).

Everybody around her, from the patients to the staff, start building the machine,as they feel the compulsion for it.


Richard's dream comes true, as they are being hunted by some maniacs who are trying to k!ll them, ending up in the forest!

They find a hotel to stay at,and Isabelle helps Lily steal some money.


A 4400 reveals he has the power to read minds,so the government decide to use him to get into Collier's cult, promising to help him with his abilities.


Diana's sister, April,comes by uninvited (I hate it when people just pop in on me),and she's unlikeable!


Another 4400 has the power to help people lose weight.


Lily and Richard are still on the run,and seek refuge at one of Richard's friends' place.


Collier has a celebrity interested in his cult, so she has priority with whatever she wants,because she can make the cult famous.


Kyle starts having blackouts.


Lily and Richard have to run again,as they are betrayed by a jealous man. Collier's men find him,and he asks them to return to the center,asking Isabelle to judge him. He passes her test.

Heidi visits Lily,and Isabelle ruptures her spleen.


Another 4400,a teacher, has the ability to bring out children's gifts once she touches them. They become prodigies. The parents of the ones who have no skills accuse her of molesting their children.


Shawn helps two homeless,about his age, who tried to steal the food at some 4400 event. He befriends them (as one would!These movies,I swear! I hated this plot,it's so unbelievable!), buys them clothes, even a guitar,because he's rich now,I guess, and spends time with them in the gutter (the place and these people,he never offered a shower to,must have smelled perfect!).It all goes to hell when he helps a drug addict homeless ( what a waste of powers,bringing back a homeless drug addict,who's gonna do it again!), because they all want help now,and get upset because he won't help them all. No good deed goes unpunished.


Collier is now Isabelle's uncle, while Maia dreamt he's gonna die. Collier asks Isabelle if to go along with the 4400 reunion he has planned for the weekend, and Isabelle shows him visions of a successful life. He decides to move on with his plans,as NTAC catches 'the bad guy'.Or do they?

(SPOILERS Isabelle starts to look a lot like the villain)


Shawn is offering the drugged homeless girl,who keeps on stalking him,a way out of the gutter,giving her a key to the center. She accepts to become a member. (I personally hate where this is going,I hate her character.)


Episode 6 is my favorite of the series, as Tom meets Alana in the dream world created by her,as instructed by the ones from the future,who altered the 4400.


Collier ends up being k!lled,just as Maia saw it.


Shawn has to take over, and is helped by a man appointed by Collier in the event of his death,to guide him.


Kyle starts to remember what he did when he blacked out,and it's bad.


Diana's sister, April,is using Maia to gamble and win. She ends up losing her mother's ring. Diana kicks her out,and Maia is supposed to give a good speech,as Diana says, but I didn't find it good at all, April is a pest,she did a good thing throwing her out. I hated April,her decisions, the fact she just popped in on her, and then used Maia as her piggy bank.She was the one who got upset after,by the way. In the end,Diana buys back her mother's ring, and gives it to her pest sister. I hated this plot line,her sister is unlikeable.


Another 4400 shows up, with the power to start a plague within minutes. (I liked how their hazmat suits were not sealed,but we must believe the helmet doesn't need to be attached to the suit,just put on top of the suit, to keep them safe of the worst pest ever,while inhaling oxygen through the mask. )


Richard reconnects with his old soldier unit from Korea ( I didn't understand the need for this plot line,maybe to just fill in the space. It was boring.)


Another 4400 heals the sick babies in utero. Tom is outraged when he finds out the man is wanted in his country for genocide. The man admits to doing nothing when the militia started rounding up people and k!lling them, as he was afraid, but he didn't k!ll anyone himself. Tom keeps on saying he should be executed. Hold that thought.

In the next episode, Tom finds out his son is the one who shot Collier. He keeps on telling him he's not gonna let him to to jail, he didn't do it, it was someone from the future,using his body and pulling the trigger. So much for righteous Tom,hey? Execute him for being there and doing nothing to help the victims, but keep him out of jail for pulling the trigger,'cause he's my son! Disgusting! Such a hypocrite!


The drug addict girl befriends Shawn's brother, and wants to go party with him,Shawn refuses. They think him jealous, but later we find out the woman stole Percocet pills to get high on,so Shawn was trying to keep her away from temptation. Get the girl out of the gutter..well,maybe that's how the girl ended up in the gutter in the first place. ( I don't like this girl,this character, I don't like his brother either..I don't like the plot lines involving her .)


A 4400 sends a signal and makes all the men at NTAC go mad,starting to fight and trying to k!ll each other.

Maia is sick,and no one knows what's wrong with her.


Lily finds out the 4400 center is testing Isabelle. Richard doesn't believe her.


Kyle gets himself a new girlfriend (honestly, all the plot lines with Kyle and his girlfriends,like this one, and the one with the teacher, are pointless and go nowhere,and are also,boring! )


Most of the 4400 get sick,including Shawn and Alana, Shawn can't heal, and Alana thinks she's in the dream world, not knowing what's real.

They are being quarantined, and NTAC wants to round up all the 4400,and quarantine them regardless of them being sick or not.


Diana and Tom find out NTAC made the 4400 sick,giving them a Promicin inhibitor ( this Promicin is what all the 4400 have in their brain), basically stopping them from developing powers. Now we understand why they wanted them there weekly or monthly, I forgot. Why some of them have powers and others don't. Imagine what they could do with their full powers.


Kyle gets interested in the family of the man who takes the fall for his actions, and helps them,seeing people vandalize their home. I told you all the plot lines involving him go nowhere. It's like the writers don't know what to do with him!

Hearing the man framed for what he did gets life, he wants to confess.

At the same time, Tom's boss is blackmailing him with what Kyle did, as he had him followed since he left quarantine. He could have stopped him, but didn't want to.


The mad scientist develops a vaccine from Isabelle's blood,to heal the sick and quarantined 4400.




Season 3


Run time : 42-1h24min



Lily wakes up an old woman,as Isabelle grew to adulthood. They find out Isabelle is stealing her energy, aging her with 46 years!

Isabelle doesn't need to learn how to speak or read, because she was born all knowing, so she reads large books very fast, in order to find out what's happening to her .Also, when she had the spur growth she went straight to Shawn,for some unknown reason, not her parents! Shawn was never in her life!


Some 4400's created a sort of terrorist group, fighting back.


Alana can control her powers better now, and for some unknown reason she and Tom don't have to sit or lie in bed, they can enter her mind world,and be in it, for hours,while standing!


Diana is dating Marco, and is enlisting Maia at the 4400 Collier's center school.


Shawn is involved with the 4400 terrorist group, founding them,as he thought the group could protect his center.


Diana is helping the mad scientist dose himself with Promicin.


The mind reader is also in the terrorist group,The Nova Group,seeking vengeance on the government which used him.


A shape shifter is impersonating Tom Baldwin,trying to frame him.


A woman appears into the lives of Diana and Maia,telling them she's Maia's sister. One day,she takes Maia from her friend's place,and she is taken out of the time line. For someone who brags about knowing the future,she's really bad at it!


Diana hurts herself,remaining in the dream world Alana created, to stay with Maia,as she can't live without her.(this to me was so ridiculous! I don't think they lived together for more than a year, and she was already ready to give up her life if she couldn't be with her adoptive child!So dumb! She also has a boyfriend,I guess she loves Maia more than she loves him,which says a lot about her. I wonder how does he feel knowing she wanted to k!ll herself for not being with her adoptive daughter,which is not weird at all!She ends up in the hospital in a coma,with a few weeks to live )


Tom is another one who does things-no one in their right mind,in real life would do- when he has a woman and son,he loves very much. He almost k!lls himself in order to get Maia back, in order to save Diana. Just ridiculous!

The future gives him Maia back,and tasks him with k!lling Isabelle.


Isabelle, who didn't need to be taught how to read and write,or play piano, has to be taught how to swim and drive!(eye roll). She has this bucket list,as she thinks she's ancient,when she's probably only 2 years old ! She's also talking like some sort of animal, as she never talks about love,just s3x.


Shawn is being targeted by the leader of the NOVA Group,as he refused to finance their terrorist attacks,who gives him mental problems.

Isabelle takes him out of the mental institution,and chases down the members of the NOVA Group,turning their abilities against them, in an attempt to find the one who is driving Shawn crazy. She does,he fixes Shawn,and then she turns his ability against him,to make sure he'll never hurt him again.

Just like that,Shawn doesn't like her anymore! Shawn is such an awful character, all the women in his life, he likes them for a while,in the beginning, and once the relationship progresses(once he has them,sees what's like to be with them),he loses interest!

This actually made Isabelle human, as we see she can feel,and she feels for Shawn,as she did everything to save him. She saved him so he'd lose interest in her.

Isabelle tells Shawn she was told she has to k!ll the 4400, and he's the only one who can keep her human. But he's not interested.


A boy with abilities, tells Alana who's the man who k!lled her family in the car crash,before she was taken by the ones from the future.

Alana is also taken into custody, as it's found out she has ties with the NOVA Group.


Shawn's first 'love', his brother's ex girlfriend, comes to see him,asking him to save her father,and they reconnect. Shawn wants her now,and Isabelle keeps on threatening him to keep him.


Tom and Diana are being sent cookies laced with a new drug, Blink, which makes the victim see the person they have unfinished business with. Diana becomes unlikeable to me, and we see why she was so obsessed with her adopted daughter and didn't care for her boyfriend. Because she doesn't care for him.


The mad scientist is dosing Diana without her knowing, with the help of his girlfriend who mind controls her.


Isabelle is planning the wedding with Shawn,although he told her he doesn't love her.


Shawn meets a rocker,saving him from an overdose. The rocker gets attached to him, wanting him to be his personal healer, so he can overdose as much as he wants. I honestly don't like these plot lines with Shawn; they only come up with this kind of things regarding him. Remember the homeless girl? I find it so boring and uninteresting! I just feel like fast forwarding whenever they bring a new character like this!


Before the wedding, all the 4400 arrive at the center .One of them gives Shawn a gift,a cigar laced with his secretions,his ability allowing the smoker see his own future. Shawn sees a bleak one whether or not he marries Isabelle.


Isabelle,probably trying to do a good thing, contacts Ryland, and they make Promicin to last them 2 years, using her.


Jordan Collier comes back, not knowing who he is, a completely changed man,literally and not.

Shawn postpones the wedding trying to find him.


Diana's sister, April,makes a comeback (I really don't like this character!),with her new man. Maia tells Diana that's her future husband,in the very near future.

Whoever wrote or created this has a fetish or something with this, because this is the second time in this movie this happens. At first it was Shawn with his brother's girlfriend, now is Diana with her sister's man. I guess whoever wrote this just likes to be where their sibling has been .

The man breaks up with April, as Diana tells him what Maia told her, and they start dating. Really classy! And these are the leads -I mean all the leads of the series are unlikeable,like this. They are all shades of grey,but there's more dark gray that there's light gray!- Such role models!


With Collier back, Tom fights to get his son out of jail. Even his son all of a sudden acts like somebody else put him in there, not himself(it was himself who gave himself up against his father's advice) !


Collier throws Isabelle out of the center, as he knows she was made to k!ll the 4400.


Diana is dating her sister's ex behind her back, and Maia finally tells April about it, as she's sick of her always asking her when they're gonna get back together. What a shock,like always ,in these kind of series, her sister doesn't hate her,she gives her her blessing, and hates herself!

I can't stand seeing Diana, Maia and her man anymore, I hate these characters!


Kyle apologizes to Collier,and ends up working at the 4400 center.


Collier and his people steal the Promicin from the government, and give if for free, to the people. Half of them die, half develop abilities.


Isabelle is Ryland's bodyguard now, and puts Shawn into a coma,trying to find out where's the stolen Promicin.


Tom finally decides to do what he was asked by the ones from the future, to give Isabelle the shot, as she went full psycho. Turns out the shot doesn't k!ll her,just took her powers away.


Diana,Maia and her sister's ex, leave for Spain, where he has a 6 months job. For some unknown reason, they leave from Tom's house, being greeted by him and Alana! Because,that's what people do in real life, I guess, they leave on trips from their colleagues' houses!




Season 4


Run time : 43min



People who took Promicin start developing abilities. Whoever is found out about having taken the shot,is put in jail. There's 50-50 chance of survival.


A teenager starts turning whoever he comes in contact with into his follower. They see a light in him, but he has nothing interesting to say,no speech,no ideas,nothing! The kid was stupid and annoying!


Diana,the man she stole from her sister (I honestly can't get over this! What kind of sister does this?!She's an awful sister and person!), and Maia ,live in Spain where he has a job (don't know for how long, don't care,I can't stand to look at them,I hate them all!)

Diana also broke up with Marco,in season 3, which wasn't addressed , I thought they were still together because he was still nice to her. But when you're the lead, it doesn't matter how awful you are, everybody understands you, has no hard feelings, and even give you your mother's ring back! They actually blame themselves for you being a b!tch! It's not you, it's them!


Tom has a new boss, and Isabelle tells him where to find information on Alana,who's disappeared for 3 months. He finds her in a painting from the 1800's.(By the way, when she disappeared, they showed that glowing orb again!They can't decide if they came from space or from the future!)


Kyle took Promicin too, and injects Shawn with Promicin to wake him from the coma. It works!


We get to see what's Collier's power: to take away the abilities of the ones who injected Promicin into their bodies,developing abilities.


Diana hears her sister took the shot, so she is asking the new boss at NTAC to hire her, as she wants to find her.


An autistic kid gives people their worst phobias.


Kyle's gift is seeing a woman who's telling him what to do. Like giving Shawn a Promicin shot to wake him up, go to a house where there's a book about the 4400 and Collier as Messiah,and steal it..and.. help Isabelle. I can't stand Kyle. He helps the one who put his cousin in a coma. He's also a Promicin advocate.

I actually hate most of the characters.


An old woman took Promicin,and her ability is astral projection,as when she sleeps her soul wanders through the city. Laura Mennell,who plays her young version, looks like my idea of Snow White. I think she also looks like another actress by the name of Laura, Laura Breckenridge. Which are the odds? 2 women looking alike, with the same first name!


Shawn reopens the 4400 center, closed by the government. He invites all the people who want to be healed.


Diana finds April, who's gift is to get the truth from people. Instead of putting it to good use, she uses it to steal money from people,in order to live a lavish life. Speaking of being bad at it,instead of asking Diana if she tried to stay away from her ex,and if she feels bad for taking her man, she asks her stupid things like ,how many times a week do they have s3x!


Shawn is asked by a governor to get into politics.


Maia dreams about being in a camp with all the Promicin positive people,under a president who,now is just a politician fighting against Shawn.


Kyle finds Jordan, and Tom goes after him. He ends up in a town where all the Promicin positive people are, who are keeping him prisoner. Kyle wants to force him to get the Promicin shot, as his name is the last one in their bible,of people having to take Promicin,in order for God to show up.

I can't tell you how angry this episode made me, how angry Kyle makes me, how much I hate this character!

Kyle finds himself saying to Tom they always had a complicated relationship, but all I saw (the whole series) was a man who loved his son very much,and would have done anything for him! Where was the complicated relationship?! And by the way,them not speaking,also came from Kyle, not Tom!


Episode 6,titled The Marked, was my favorite in a very long time. It deals with a 4400 who's ability is to make movies about what happens behind the scenes of the world theatre, about the ones from the future who are in our present to manipulate odds in their favor. They can be spotted though a mark behind their left ear.

The man says the ones from the future hijacked the bodies and minds of prominent people of the present,to guide world events and most importantly, to stop the 4400. He is right about what happened between Matthew Ross and Isabelle.

People associated with him start dying,while he's missing.

Tom and Diana talk to one of the people the film maker says is marked, a big computer tech company's boss, and check his left ear. He has the mark.

Tom writes about it, and the next day is being taken and put in the psych ward for 72 hours, thanx to his boss, who sent his email to her bosses. He is put in isolation, and no one can see him.

In the middle of the night, masked men,looking like doctors ready for surgery, come into his room,and give him a shot behind his left ear!


Kyle sends Shawn a copy of their bible. Shawn meets Jordan,who are on opposite sides now, as Shawn wants him to wait until there's better odds for people to take the shot,while Jordan thinks it's Ok, for half of the ones who takes the shot to die.

He tells Jordan about Gabriel Hewitt, the politician who's gonna put the 4400 in camps in the future, and then he hears about him having a stroke. He goes to the hospital, and heals him.


Maia dreams about Jordan Collier, and Diana takes her to NTAC, to find out where in Seattle he is.

The government sends their enhanced soldiers to the 4400's hiding place . Maia runs to where Collier is to warn him of her vision of his death.


Collier and the 4400 are fixing that polluted area of Seattle they settled in.


Shawn is taken to dinner by a woman who's mother he healed, and finds from the news,the next day, she was paid to do it. She is actually despicable! No good deed goes unpunished.


The leads wake up at NTAC,not knowing how they got there. They find out one of the members of their team took the shot and his ability is to create a sort of video game scenario, while asleep,taking all the people he thinks about, in the dream world, having to work together to get out of it alive. Unless they work together there's no way out of it.


Richard makes a comeback, with new abilities, and kidnaps Isabelle,making her drink a water which makes her turn into a little girl. I don't like Richard . And to be honest, I don't know why Isabelle is still in the movie, without powers, but others are out, like Nina, the NTAC boss.


Tess holds people hostage in a diner, making them dance for days,as she's waiting for Bobby. Tess is the schizophrenic woman who has the ability to control people. She has one of her episodes, and she thinks she's 16. I never liked Tess, because she's always controlling someone.

Kevin, her man,asks Shawn to come heal her.


This movie just doesn't quit, really wants to make me hate it 'till the end! Tom starts dating his boss, you know, the woman who sent his mails to DC that put him in the mental institution for 3 days! This movie has no rhyme or reason! When they take him,she actually tells him it's only temporary and he needs to go; when he fights them,she tells him it's only gonna get worse for him if he fights! Who's side is she on?! Despicable! Who in their right mind would date someone who did this to them? Is like the writers of this series suffer from amnesia!

By the way, Alana has been missing for 3-4 months. They kept on saying they had a relationship in the dream world,of 10 years, and about 2 in real life. That's how fast he forgot her! Disgusting!

To be honest, I didn't like Alana either anymore, as she was dealing with terr0rists, and all.


Tom starts having visions of someone else's memories. He sees himself in the future, working on Richard and Lily.

Rebecca Parish, the director of National Intelligence, is telling him to embrace it. Soon, Tom is not himself anymore, but someone from the future who hates this timeline for there are too many people who have too much free time?!


Richard starts seeing Lily, as Kyle is helped by a man with the ability to make people see who they love, as he tries to find out where he took Isabelle.


Doctor Kevin Burkhoff finds out only people who are left handed can take Promicin without dying. Whoever wrote this movie should have done their research, as lefties are only 10% of the world's population,not half, as they keep telling us, half of the world,half of the world! I researched it just to be sure, but even my common sense was telling me, there's no way half of the world is left handed, only a minority.

Which means ,most of the people taking their shot will die! Collier and Kyle thinks it's Ok for "half" of the world to die taking the shot.


Jordan is trying to convince famous people to take Promicin,so their fans will follow their lead.I'm so sick of their obsession with this shot! If it existed, I wouldn't want to take it,either, some of their abilities are awful! Not to mention, there's that chance of death upon injection! These people are so selfish and evil! All they care is to grow in numbers so no one would come after them!


Kyle's ability looks more and more like a villain. It's telling him to 'get rid of Kevin Burkhoff. So he does the next best thing, he kidnaps him. I hate Kyle so much!

Shawn visits Jordan asking him to release Kevin, but Jordan tells him as long as he wants him to develop the test which would save people who can't get the shot, he won't do it, and tells Shawn he's not welcomed anymore. Jordan was always a sort of villain, and he remained that way, nothing changed. Kyle is worse than him ,though.


The new Tom, brings Isabelle to their safe house, in order to give her back her abilities. They blackmail her with harming her father.

Once she has her abilities they send her after Jordan,as they want to inject another consciousness into him. She takes her relationship with Kyle further. This is the 3d time in this movie, when they do this, Kyle is dating his cousin's ex. What is wrong with these people who wrote this?Are there no other people for these to fornicate with?! I honestly keep on wondering if this is what they do in tv series and I just didn't watch the ones about it until now.


Maia gets as a present for her birthday seeing her dead parents.


Tom is shooting Maia with Promicin inhibitor,so she won't have visions. Maia gets sick.


Diana and her boss are trying to find out how to get the ones from the future out of Tom's head.The man who used to write about The Marked, tells them about 'tiny machines' in the spinal fluid,nano particles multiplying until it takes over the host.


Shawn's brother takes the test, finds out he can get Promicin, and gets the shot. He infects his mother with Promicin,who dies. The same thing happens to anyone who comes in contact with him.

For some unknown reason, the same thing happens to everyone around the city. Of course, the leads are all fine!


Diana and Megan ask Shawn to bring Tom back,after they injected him with Polonium.


The movie ends with that obsessed with Promicin Kyle,who is giving his father the shot!

I'm honestly relieved that it's over!! I hated it! I hated the characters so much! I hated most of their abilities!


The 4400 used to be one of my all time favorite tv series,but now it felt cheap,and some episodes bored me, hating most of the characters.

Season 1 has only 6 episodes. Seasons 2,3,4 have 13 episodes.


I don't think I've ever watched a movie in which I hated most of the leads-and hated them all at some point! They are all unlikeable, through what they're doing to each other, to others, the self righteousness,when they were just like the ones they looked down on,like for example the leads, and Ryland.They thought they were so much better than him,while they were worse,for they always broke their promises to him and others.


The characters are all,shades of gray, excepting Lily,who was always good. She was probably one of the only characters who never wronged anyone, and who had her life stolen from her,more than once,once by the ones from the future, then by her daughter who k!lls her by taking her energy to grow up. The whole time ,after she came back,she was on the run,hiding, trying to save her and her daughter's life.


Ironically,the first times I watched this,Lily was my least favorite character,now she kinda was my favorite. She was one of the few,if not the only one, without a hidden agenda.


This shades of gray of the characters going back and forth, annoyed me, making me not care for them and their plans,losing interest in the movie,and not just that, hating the movie so much!

Speaking of which, Tom's son was too old for Tom to be that attached to him to the point he wanted to relieve scenes from when he was a baby!!! Ironically, he only cared for his son when he wasn't there (like when he was in a coma or in jail),but when his son was home with him,he never had time for him!


I hated Kyle 'till the end, he becomes more and more annoying! So does Jordan!

By the end, Shawn was the only one with abilities who was the voice of reason!

Isabelle was the only character with character growth, she's the only one who changes for the better.


The ones from the future use the past,our present, and the characters as if they are their personal dummies,or pawns in a chess game. They keep on taking them out of the timeline and putting them back at different moments in time, in the 1880's or the present. Or hacking into them to do their bidding. They have no regard for them or their feelings, their loved ones, or whatever! Their lives don't matter, all that matters is their future to be bright!


Some of their abilities were dumb and made no sense! One of the 4400 has the ability to give people Schizophrenia. Why would anyone give someone this ability?How does this help the future?!

Another one, has the ability to make men angry in an instant,and make them fight and k!ll each other and others!

A few of them could spread viruses and plagues! Why? How does this help?!

Another one is a shape shifter!! Why?!

A patient with Schizophrenia has the ability to control people! Why would you give these powers to such people?!


The Promicin is shining like a light,for some unknown reason!


One thing that didn't make sense was, how come they thought it was a comet,they even showed it in 'space', and yet they were sent by people from the future!


The actors were all great, I loved Jeffrey Combs who plays scientist Kevin Burkhoff, who, when he is first introduced, is insane. I also saw him in an episode of Twilight Zone ('The placebo effect'), in which he's also playing a disturbed patient,and he's great.

Joel Gretsch, who plays Tom Baldwin was another one I enjoyed watching. I loved when he played the shape shifter.


I didn't like Diana,Isabelle and Alana's outfits,as they looked cheap. Diana's were always so striking,raw bright green, bright orange,while Alana's were just cut weird. They also keep on giving Diana two ponytails, like she's a kid, when she's a grow woman,I think she's in her 40's!

I don't think I've ever seen a show in which women wear so many knee length pants! And they look ugly!


Whenever they had characters who were famous, they had cheap outfits,and they just looked cheap! Most of the time the outfits of the people who weren't in a suit, were just cheap and ugly.

Speaking of clothes, whenever they are on the run, like Collier and his people, somehow, they always have new clothes, as I never see them wearing the same outfit twice! The women, like Isabelle,even wear heels and jewelry! When she comes back to them,she comes only in one outfit,no purse,no bag,and then we see her in another! Where do they get all these clothes from? Is there someone with the ability of making clothes? Even when she's a prisoner in the Marked's safe house she's changing clothes! Also,it looks like they were the latest fashion at the time.


Fun fact : Mahershala Ali is credited as Mahershalalhashbaz (that's his real first name) Ali in the series. It's amazing that he changed his last name, Gilmore,but kept the very hard to pronounce and remember,name.


The soundtrack is good. I remember back in 2007-2008,when I first watched it, I loved the soundtrack, actually listening to it.


The visual effects are Ok.


You can watch The 4400 on Amazon Prime Video, Apple Tv on Roku device, Fandango At Home.


Rating : Worth a watch!