The Body

Language : English / Hebrew


Year of release : 2001


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Antonio Banderas , Olivia Williams, Jason Flemyng



The movie is adapted from the book by the same name, of Richard Ben Sapir,released in 1983.


An archeologist discovers the tomb of whom she believes to be Jesus. This makes the Catholic Church send their priest to the site to investigate.

Father Gutierrez is chosen for his military and investigative skills,and is asked to " protect the church".


As he works with the archeologist,they discover more and more things which lead to the conclusion that they might have discovered the bones of Christ.


The site is eyed by the Jewish community,who believe the dead are sacred according to the Talmud,so they shouldn't be disturbed,the Catholic Church,as it involves them directly,as it could destroy the fundaments of their belief system, and the Palestinian forces who want to use it as leverage.


This discovery which is not 100% correct destroys the faith of a very faithful priest,and strengthens the belief of the lead character played by Antonio Banderas.


I love the reveal at the end,which shows how inaccurate archeology is,and how is also about people's egos ( I read many articles and watched videos in which people said,that due to some of the books some big names in the business wrote,when they find new things which go against the narrative written in the books,they discredit it)


The actors are great,the music haunting,the plot intriguing. I loved this movie,is one of my favorites,because it makes you think.


The question the movie poses is,would you still believe? I would still believe in God,that wouldn't change my faith. Maybe is because I always believed in God,and saw Jesus more as a prophet,I don't know. I pray to God,not Jesus.


This is the YouTube link  for those who want to watch it :



Rating : It's so money !