The brave one

Year of release : 2007


Run time : 2h3min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Jodie Foster, Terrence Howard



Erica Bain is a radio personality. She has an unique show in which daily she records sounds of the city,talking about the city itself through the years and its transformation.


She has a fiance she loves very much, and they are planning the wedding, talking about wedding invitations.


One night, while out walking their dog in the park, she and her fiance encounter a group of people who took their dog and are pretty upset for some unknown reason,to the point they beat them to a pulp.


Erica is in the hospital for 3 weeks, and when she wakes up she is told her fiance is dead.


From a very confident woman, unafraid of anything, she becomes afraid of everything, afraid to leave the house. When she finally leaves the house she goes to buy a gun,in fear she might go through the same thing again. The man at the gun store tells her he can't sell her a gun without a license which takes at least a month to get. Erica is not sure she has a month.

An employee at the store feels sorry for her, and when she leaves, he follows her, offering her a gun on the spot for 1000 dollars.


For some unknown reason, as if now she attracts bad things, Erica finds herself again in harms way, in a store, where a man shoots his estranged wife. Although afraid, Erica takes action and kills the man. She is afraid the police will find her, and almost gives herself in.


From then on, she seeks danger, and starts inflicting justice on people who prey on others just for fun, or just because they can.


A police officer who is working the cases she goes through, befriends her, seeing her at the scene of the crime once, and they bond, as they both go through similar things, him divorcing the wife he loves.


The scene when they are beat up is very brutal, and when the credits roll, the scenes with the two of them making love merge with the scenes of their wounded and broken bodies checked by the nurses and doctors at the hospital, an impactful scene to watch .


The acting was good, Jodie Foster was amazing, she made me cry at the part where she is told her man is dead, I loved her reaction. I loved their short lived romance, I believed it, seeing them together on screen.


The movie streams on DirecTv, Starz, Starz Amazon Channel, Starz Roku Premium Channel, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !