The cheap detective

Year of release : 1978


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Comedy / Satire / Mystery / Comedy


Cast : Peter Falk



Private detective Lou Peckinpaugh, who has beautiful ladies falling for him left and right, is the prime suspect for the murder of the husband of the woman he has an affair with.

The woman thinks they're gonna be together now,as the husband is out of the way,but he breaks up with her,as she keeps on telling the police he did it.


He is being hired by quite a few people for the same thing,- finding some eggs with diamonds in them -, and has a woman coming into his office who keeps on disguising herself as someone else,giving him many aliases.


Somehow he doesn't take money from his clients, but gives money to the women he dates or who hire him although they don't ask him for it.


The movie is exactly like the Leslie Nielsen parodies, and he reminds me of Nielsen's characters. The movie is so ridiculous, that all the people die standing,like statues,caught doing whatever they were doing when they were murdered.


The movie was funny and entertaining, the characters ridiculous.


I liked the women's clothes.


The acting was fine.


I didn't like the soundtrack.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !