The Christmas secret

Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h26min


Genre : Drama / Romance / Family



Christine is a single mother who is trying really hard to make ends meet. She's 2 months behind on paying the rent,she's one strike away from being fired,and the babysitters she hires don't show up.(I don't know why in this movie the ex husband complains about the teenager babysitters,all movies all filled with teenage babysitters.?! )


One morning,on her way to taking the kids to school and her work,seeing a car went off the road,she stops to see what happened and helps the woman who had a heart attack. She saves the woman's life.


That doesn't stop her boss from firing her for being late(again),and to make matters worse,she lost her mother's locket,the only thing she had from her father,whom she never met.


In the hospital,the old woman,back to her old self,is asking her nephew to find the woman who saved her life. She only knows her name,Christine.


Christine has to deal with her ex,who although refuses to pay child support,is always complaining about how she raises the kids,(one complaint being her not having enough money) and is trying to take them away from her.


The acting was actually good,for a Christmas tv movie,the lead actress even cries a few times.


Rating : Worth a watch!