The dead don't die

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Comedy / Horror


Cast : Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Selena Gomez



The movie is named after a song by the same name by Sturgill Simpson,which starts the movie,and is being played throughout the movie by the characters,each and every one of them saying how much they love it!


The movie breaks the fourth wall,the characters talking about the script and how the song is the theme song of the movie.


So, apparently due to the polar fracking, daylight lasts through most of the night and the other way around. I don't understand what's got one to do with the other but whatever. And also,this reanimated the dead bodies. This idea is insane and I don't see the connection. Anyway, certain characters already know it's zombies and they tell the others to "kill the head" as if they all belong to the same brain,or Borg.


Also, they all use the same other expressions when they first see the first eaten corpses,all asking ad nauseam the same questions :"was it a wild animal?" or "was it several wild animals?"


There's also a character in there with a Scottish accent who turns out to be an, she was working at her funeral home but she put makeup on people as if to mock them, making them look like clowns. It also felt maybe she knew what was going on, maybe she and her race were the cause of it,it felt like she wasn't helping but the opposite..


I didn't like the movie,I don't know what it was supposed to be. There are quite a few characters in the movie with subplots which go nowhere, like the 3 characters at a juvenile detention center, the homeless, pardon, hermit, and 3 hipsters from Cleveland, or so the police officers say, the interaction between the comic book fan, Bobby,and Selena Gomez's character..It feels like the writer / director forgot to finish the script .


The movie almost put me to sleep and I paced back and forth most of the time until I could barely keep my eyes opened.


The movie is streaming on DirecTv, Fubo Tv, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, AMC on Demand, Google, Microsoft, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Literally,The Horror,THE HORROR!