The event

Year of release : 2010


Run time : 40min-45min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Tv Series / Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Jason Ritter, Blair Underwood, Taylor Cole, Ian Anthony Dale



Episode 1


The series start with Sean Walker who gets aboard of a plane,while trying to escape someone who's following him.

An FBI agent is following the plane in his car,but the plane takes off.


The series go back a week,when we see Sean and his girlfriend packing for a cruise.

Sean wants to propose on a romantic place,but they hear a man screaming for help,and they run in that direction. A woman is drowning,so Sean being an experienced swimmer, dives in to rescue her.

They become friends,and spend the night at a restaurant where Leila,Sean's girlfriend,apparently drank too much,just that she drank a drink their new rescued-from-drowning friend,gave her.

The new-rescued from drowning friend-Vicky, asks them to go snorkeling with her the next day,as her boyfriend has his arm in a cast.


When he comes back from the snorkeling session,as Leila was sick(someone should tell these characters not to accept drinks from strangers),Sean's key doesn't work,and he is told someone else is listed as having their room,being asked to leave the ship.


Leila's parents house is broken into,her mother being shot ,her father and little sister taken hostage. Her father is asked to fly a plane into the mansion the president is having a speech at.


13 months prior,the president of the USA finds out about a group of people imprisoned in Alaska,because,well, they came from space. Their DNA is only 1% different then ours,but they don't age,other than that,they look just like us.




Episode 2


Sean couldn't stop Leila's father from flying the plane into the house the president was at,but a miracle happened,the plane disappeared,and reappeared in the desert.

He helps everyone get out of the plane and when he sees military planes,Leila's father tells him that's not help.

Sean runs and ends up in the hospital,where he is told the police is after him because he killed Vicky's boyfriend.


13 months prior, the president wanted to release the alien prisoners,wanting to tell the world about them in the speech.




Episode 3


Sean is in the FBI custody,and passes with them by the place his plane crashed,where a police officer tells them they're not allowed to cross for there's a chemical spill . The FBI agents don't believe him.

A trailer runs into them,and the police officer and the male FBI agent die. Sean rescues the female FBI agent. He takes her to a hotel and asks her to help him find out who this Vicky is. She refuses,telling him to let the police arrest him.


The FBI agent manages to call the FBI and Sean steals a ride in the trunk.

He goes into the FBI database and finds out Vicky has 7 IDs.


The FBI is raided by two guys who want Sean dead.


The president refuses to free the 97 prisoners,and we find out there were even more,who fled the crash site,and only the wounded remained.

The Director of National Intelligence tells the prisoners whoever gives him the information he needs is free.

The aliens infiltrated to the top,as even the top FBI agent,Simon Lee,is one of them.




Episode 4


Sean and the FBI agent are being hunted by Vicky's colleagues.

Vicky and her colleague are keeping Leila hostage,planning to kill her.

The passengers of the flight,considered dead,woke up,and are being held and interrogated by the government.

The president is negotiating with Sofia's people(the aliens),who revealed themselves to be behind what happened to the plane and its passengers.




Episode 5


The aliens are threatening the president with k!lling the passengers whom they infected with something,as the president refuses to release the aliens imprisoned for 66 years.

The president refuses,fighting back,saying for every human dead,he'll k!ll an alien.

The president and his team find out the imprisoned aliens aren't the only ones on earth,finding out about sleeper agents.


Leila escapes Vicky and ends up in police custody. She keeps on calling Sean,but his phone is dead.


This episode is dedicated to Vicky,as we learn more about her.




Episode 6


Sofia is released ,and reconnects with her kind.

The USA government puts trackers in her food and water,so they can catch her kind.

Simon Lee,a sleeper agent,puts the radioactive isotope(a tracking liquid) into the coffee at a restaurant Sofia is at,to help her escape.


Sean rescues Leila,blackmailing Vicky,and takes her colleague as a hostage.


The episode tells the story of Simon Lee,who fell in love with a human woman,and had to leave her.




Episode 7


The government learns about a sleeper cell being infiltrated among them.


Sofia finally escaped,while her aliens demolished a building. Simon Lee was rescued from the debris,and mysteriously survived.

Agent Murphy tells the bureau Lee is the moll.


Leila and Sean find a journalist at her parents' home,who tells them what happened to her father was due to the fact he found out about the imprisoned aliens.


We are introduced to an old billionaire who has dark motives behind everything happening to the characters.


The episode is dedicated to Blake Sterling,who's wife was an undercover Russian spy .




Episode 8


The president talks to Leila's father and finds important details about the plane mission.


The episode let's us into the life of Vice president Raymond Jarvis,who's campaign was funded by the old billionaire.


Jarvis fears he is gonna get caught so he flees his office while the president's team is after him. He goes to his 'physician' in order to disappear,but is caught by the mysterious billionaire's agents,and Vicky lets him go,k!lling her colleague as she wants out.


Sean is shot while escaping from the place of a man who helped them get information on the missing girls.

Leila takes him to the hospital and kidnaps a doctor asking him to patch him up.




Episode 9


The aliens scattered around the USA gather to meet with their leader,Sofia.

Thomas and his girlfriend have a plan to get rid of Sofia,as they don't agree with her plan of leaving the planet.


Leila and Sean go to the house of one of the little girls who escaped,wanting to ask her about her sister,but her parents refuse to let them speak to her.


The old billionaire set his eyes on a new victim,as he is in the business of kidnapping girls,using them in his anti-aging experiments.




Episode 10


Sean injects the man who was chasing them with the injection meant for Leila. The man ages within seconds.


Jarvis refuses to tell the president who is behind the attempt at his life,and instead threatens him.


The president's team receives intel about a missile about to launch. They also invent a country,Amala( I hate when they do this).


Thomas and his girlfriend play nice with Sofia while plotting to get rid of her.




Episode 11


Thomas and his people send a message to his planet. The government lie to the world about what is it.


The government now know there are many other aliens. They decrypt the first line of the message.


Thomas wants to bring all the aliens from his planet to earth.


Sean and Leila go to the mental institution they were told about,where,underground,they find a facility the little little girls were held at,where everything was swiped. They manage to find a few files among the burnt items,one of them being of Leila's father,since the '40's looking exactly the same as today.

They find the doctor who was doing experiments on the girls,and she tells them they were put in a white van.


Simon gets Leila's father out of jail.


A senator ,played by Virginia Madsen,who replaced her dead husband in office, is digging into the Alaska prison.




Episode 12


Thomas breaks all the aliens out of the prison,k!lling the ones loyal to Sofia,his mother.


Sterling is interrogating the alien who k!lled her boyfriend so he won't tell on their plans. Realizing Thomas is k!lling the officers,he and the last remaining officer decide to fight back.


The senator is not quitting,and is pressing the president to tell her about Alaska.


Leila rescues her sister,and reunites with her father. She finds out the kidnapped girls were the daughters of the aliens who had children with humans.

Leila has to make a choice,stay with Sean,or leave with her father and sister.




Episode 13


Sean leaves Leila,who is torn between him and her father.


Thomas brings the aliens released from prison to his town ,and gives them assignments.


Michael Buchanan,Leila's father,leaves her and her sister with an alien couple. Good thing she left her man to stay with dad!


Sofia and Michael Buchanan look for Thomas,and catch the man whom he gave a mission.




Episode 14


The aliens receive a message back from their kind. Once again,we see they have been infiltrated everywhere.


The old billionaire has set his sights on another little girl.


Sean finds Vicky,who is in hiding,asking her to help him take her former boss,the billionaire,down.


Thomas wants to open a portal to bring the aliens to this planet. Sofia is trying to stop him. She keeps on telling the president about their plans,but Thomas is smarter.




Episode 15


Vicky and Sean get the information they need on the billionaire from the vice president. And fly to France.


Sofia and her aliens destroy the Washington monument in an attempt to show the US president what they are capable of,in order for him to let them out of the church they had a meeting at.


The billionaire is funding archeological discoveries looking for evidence of aliens.




Episode 16


The US president's team blow up two buses Sofia's people were in,one of them with Thomas on board. The bus Sofia is in is teleported to the place Thomas has been hiding the aliens.


Sofia decides to continue her son's work,in bringing all the aliens from their planet (2 billions and a half) to earth,killing most of the humans,keeping the rest as slaves.


Simon Lee's cover is blown,the president and his team know who he is.


The president wants to test every American's DNA to root out the aliens. His wife refuses to be tested.


Leila finds out she can't leave the aliens' hideaway,and is given a 'guardian'.




Episode 17


Simon is sedated by Sofia and her people as he wants to leave and go against her.


Sofia's people look for a virus to kill humanity to make room for her aliens. She and her people become as despicable as Thomas was,to me.


The billionaire is testing Sean and makes him his successor,as the billionaire is apparently from a long line of sentinels ,who watch over earth,as alien civilizations kept on visiting it throughout history.


The president refuses to let his wife be tested.'She is taking a moral stand' while the rest of the people can't take a moral stand against it. The senator played by Virginia Madsen gives him a file on her,which he doesn't read,so his wife can lie to him some more.


Jarvis is contacted by Sofia,asking to meet in order for Jarvis to become the next president by the next day.




Episode 18


Jarvis puts the poison disguised as sugar onto the president's coffee dish,and the president drinks it,collapsing immediately. Turns out he had a 'stroke'.


Jarvis awaits to be appointed the new president,while Sterling is looking for proof Jarvis tried to k!ll him again. Nothing is a good enough proof.


Sofia doesn't understand why it takes so long for Jarvis to be appointed,as she lied to him she would spare the US while k!lling the rest of the world .I can't believe he went along with this! You can't trust a terrorist!


Leila tries to get out,finds Lee,who tells her what to do,and calls Sean,telling him everything.


Sean and Vicky look into a lead, Irina Bogdanov, both the billionaire and Leila gave them. For this,they travel to Russia.




Episode 19


Jarvis is sworn in,as the new president of the USA. He tells the House he wants to negotiate peace with Sofia,and collaborate with her.


President Martinez is in surgery,as he slipped into a coma.


Sofia and her 'people' are trying to create a virus to last long enough to infect the humans and k!ll most of earth's population. She awaits Martinez's demise,and asks Michael Buchanan to k!ll Simon Lee.


Sean and Vicky find out one of Sofia's aliens is on board of a plane with infected tissue to spread the virus. They board the plane,but no passenger is named Alex(FYI , Alex is Sasha in Russian,the writers are just lazy at this point!).




Episode 20


Michael Buchanan is k!lled while trying to escape with Leila and Simon Lee. Leila remains with him,as he dies in her arms,Simon Lee escapes with the cure for the president.


Jarvis fired director Sterling because he knew too much,and is looking for a replacement. He then sends his goons for him.



Sofia is manipulating Jarvis,and lately,blackmailing him.


Sean and Vicky are tracking Sofia's people,and find out where they want to test or release the virus.




Episode 21


Sofia's people are stopped,but that doesn't stop Alex to test the virus on the people on a bus.


Sofia infects Leila (good thing she stayed with her dead father. Only good things happened to her for choosing her father. ) as they need a hybrid to slow the spread in order to infect the whole planet.


Jarvis tried to keep everyone who could help the president away from him,including the wife,but the first lady still managed to meet with Lee and save him.

Jarvis is now Sofia's puppet. She tells him the USA will be spared while she plans to release the virus on US soil(in 3 parallel distribution channels : money,food,airports,),so they'll be the first to die!




Episode 22


Sofia's team uses the portal to bring their planet..I mean,'people' to earth,and this creates a series of earthquakes among other things,on earth.


Sean finds Leila,but she's infected. Him,Vicky,Lee and Sterling find out what's Sofia's plan,and try to stop it.


Martinez is trying to reason with Jarvis ,but there's no reasoning with him,Jarvis is threatening him when he tells him about Sofia's plans. Jarvis calls mommy..I mean Sofia to confirm,and she lies .Good thing he told Sofia the humans know about her plans!


Martinez is trying to get the presidency back,but he is still weak,and needs to convince the cabinet he is healthy and fit to rule. Jarvis is badmouthing him to everyone in order to keep his seat in office.



The tv series have a Prison Break and Lost vibe,as in, it was definitely inspired by the way those tv series were made,with the back and forth of Lost,and action and conspiracy of Prison Break.


One thing that bothered me was the aliens not only looked exactly like us,were the same races,but also spoke English,and other earth languages,exactly the way humans do,even when they were just them!They even dressed like us and ate what we ate,knowing all the foods,calling their own 'our people'!

The Russian aliens even have Russian accents,it's ridiculous!!

I think they should have had distinctive features,to set them apart from us,even if it was just the eye color, the hair color,the height or the ears!

The aliens were more and more annoying and despicable as the season progressed,especially Sofia.


Another thing that bothered me was,it always rains while the sun is shining in these series.


One that enraged me was the thing with their species,having to bring everyone here,as if they could not continue their species unless everyone was saved! I don't know anyone who is thinking in such terms,of saving the whole planet,instead of saving their loved ones!And this species are not bred by one queen,to say they are connected,or some other bullsh!it!

There's an episode in which Sofia threatens Thomas' girlfriend with casting her out,not allowing any alien to talk to her ever,if she doesn't shoot herself in the leg to prove her loyalty! So what?! She looks just like the humans,don't tell me she doesn't have human friends,considering she was a lawyer!!! It just didn't make any sense!!! There were many others who lived on their own,found a human they fell in love with,married them and had kids with them!!!They had no other alien friends!!! Only human friends!!! They integrated!! By the way,after she shoots herself to prove loyalty,she separates from Sofia,and starts plotting to k!ll her(with the help of her son,Thomas) and bring the aliens over.Make it make sense!!!!


The acting was great,especially from Jason Ritter who played in most of the intense scenes. He is the best by far,I loved his acting.

The first lady,Lisa Vidal, was classy,and I loved her acting when the president was sick! It brought tears to my eyes!

I didn't like how Sarah Roemer who plays Leila, acted,especially the intense, crying scenes,as her range as an actress doesn't go that far.


Ian Anthony Dale had the super power / special ability of making everything he was wearing look perfect,or more like,everything looked perfect on him,like the clothes were made especially for him. I call him 'the model' because the clothes looked built on him.


The series which have only one season, are streaming on NBC and USA, and are for sale on Amazon, Apple Tv, Google Play Movies, Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !