The Ex

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h28min


Genre : Horror / Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Konstantin Beloshapka



As a teenager,wanting to brag to his friends he has a beautiful girlfriend, Sasha posted a fake picture of himself and a beautiful woman he didn't know,in bed, on a social site.


7 years later, he proposes to his girlfriend. Just then, he starts receiving messages from a woman, containing naked pictures.

When his fiance hears about it,and confronts him about it, he says he has no idea who this woman is, and how he got her messages.


His fiance starts hearing and seeing things, and starts seeing a woman who seems to want to hurt her.


Doing her research, the fiance finds out the woman sending Sasha the messages and naked pictures is the one from his fake picture,and she's dead.


Sasha is unlikeable due to how he treats the women in his life : "the ex" who's life unknowingly,he ruined,his fiance,whom he starts to ignore when he receives messages from "the ex", and his fiance's best friend,whom he had an affair with,before he started dating her.

Although called "the ex", Sasha is a secondary character in his own story,all the "heavy lifting", sort to speak, is done by his fiance.Most of the things,bad things,are happening to her!He only receives naked pictures!


I didn't understand why "the ex" is haunting the fiance and kills people who didn't do anything to her,and who-some of them- are in almost the same situation she was.

That being said,I understood "the ex" wanting vengeance,but not on people who didn't wrong her. Speaking of vengeance, "the ex" kills a guy who wants to beat up Sasha...which didn't make any sense!


The actors were great.The leads are attractive.


When it comes to the visual effects,the way the movie was filmed,the colors,the quality of the film,everything is top notch,there's really no difference between this movie and a Hollywood one.

The places they filmed in, were beautiful.


The soundtrack was great.


Rating : Worth a watch !