The eye

Year of release : 2008


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Horror / Thriller


Cast : Jessica Alba, Parker Posey



The Eye is a remake of a Hong Kong-Singaporean supernatural horror movie,released in 2002,named The Eye or Seeing Ghosts.


Sydney Wells is a violinist who's spent most of her life in darkness,after an accident involving her sister left her blind when she was just a kid.

Now,she undergoes surgery, and gets a new set of eyes. Problem is,from the moment she gets them,although at first she can't see well,all is blurry,she seems to be seeing things which aren't there.


While in the hospital she befriends a little girl who has a brain tumor.

Also,while there,she sees the old woman sharing the hospital room with, being taken away by someone in the middle of the night,and when she wakes up in the morning,she's told the woman died that very night !


The clearer she sees,the scarier it gets,as she seems to be able to see the dead,caught in an endless loop, maybe the mind set they were in before they died, and their death.


She has nightmares which come true,and these violent dreams leak into reality,to the point,Sydney shuts herself in her apartment with all lights switched off.


She doesn't really have who to talk to,as her sister is a flight attendant and is most of the time away, and her orchestra conductor and the doctor who is supposed to help her, think her crazy,telling her it's all in her head because she has eyes now. They don't seem to care or want to help ,and she feels very isolated while all these bad things happen to her.


The shock comes when Sydney is given a picture she took while in the hospital with the little girl,and she doesn't see herself the way she looks in the picture.


The doctor finally starts believing her,and they start investigating,trying to find out what is happening to Sydney. Maybe her eyes are more special than they thought.


Rating : Worth a watch !