The favor

Year of release : 1994


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Romantic Comedy


Cast : Brad Pitt, Bill Pullman



The movie is labeled as a romantic comedy on Google but I didn't find anything funny or romantic about it. In fact the movie was atrocious.


A married woman who fantasizes about her high school sweetheart asks her friend who leaves on a trip to Denver,where he lives,to find him,see how he looks-like and sleep with him for her..because,why not? Any friend would ask that of each other,and expect it to be done.


Her friend,a wh*re (the woman has one night stands,she made a list with the men she slept with and it spread on a few pages),comes back and tells her she slept with him.

The married woman gets upset with her.


The loose woman finds out she’s pregnant and the kid is supposed to be her boyfriend’s,the one she left because she considered him too young for her. Did I mention the boyfriend is Brad Pitt when he was young?!


I didn’t like it, I counted the minutes until it was over.


The soundtrack was awful,it sounded at the beginning as if something out of a p*rn.


The guy this woman had the hots for turned out to be an arseh*le,who didn’t take responsibility for his actions and just slept around with anyone. He had this awful redneck effing haircut.


Rating : The horror,THE HORROR !
