The flight of the Phoenix

Year of release : 1965


Run time : 2h22min


Genre : Adventure / Disaster


Cast : James Stewart



A private plane of Arabco Oil Company which takes a group of people to Benghazi, starts having technical difficulties.


A sand storm follows them, and the plane which was already not flying at its best capacity,fails, and they crash land in the Sahara desert.

Two men die and one is crippled.


At first they wait to be rescued and ration water and food ( they have an endless supply of pressed dates as they didn't sell) .


The military man who joined them on the trip, ventures into the desert in search of means of being rescued.


After about a week of waiting and frying under the cruel Sahara sun,they decide to give the plane designer a shot,as he said he could build a new small plane out of the old one.


The pilot is skeptic but they start working at night as it is colder,and sleep on daylight.


The acting was Ok, the movie has an interesting premise,but I found the movie long and boring.

I personally hated the intro credits scene.

I hated the soundtrack, which at times was too loud and screeching at my ears,for no reason,as nothing bad was on screen.


The link to the full YouTube movie,here :


Rating : Coulda woulda shoulda !