The Glass house

Year or release : 2001


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Leelee Sobieski, Diane Lane, Stellan Skarsgard



Ruby is a 16 year old who's parents died in a car crash. She and her 11 year old brother move in with their parents' friends, the Glasses.


The Glass house is a modern one, full of frosted glass walls and glass railings, many windows and frosted glass. So, the Glass house has double meaning, it belongs to the Glass family,but it's also mostly,glass.


She and her brother, are both given the same small room, with two small beds.


Due to the fact Ruby wakes up in the middle of the night having nightmares, she catches the Glasses fight one night, then when she swims the husband comes for her, and is acting rather strangely, one would say that he is vaguely hitting on her. This feeling grows stronger when mister Glass invites Ruby to an event,only to call it quits and take her to a pretty romantic restaurant .

The same night, after mr. Glass drove like a mad man, and again made a veiled attempt towards her, Ruby finds the missus passed out from the drug shot she took.


Ruby starts to suspect there's something wrong with them and she goes to her family lawyer who tells her her family's net worth is of four million dollars!


After this, Ruby warms up to them, as mr. Glass wrote her literature paper, but only to find out weeks later, it was taken from someone else's book, and Ruby is accused of plagiarism when the teacher calls her to the principle's office [ I didn't know it was considered a crime for 16 year olds to come to school with papers on books( literary commentary) taken from someone else's work. When I was in school,the teachers would tell us what books to use to write our homework( we had commentary books specifically written for this purpose),because it wasn't like we were publishing it and making money off it ( we used to have many books of literary commentary of study books, and those were the ones we were asked to study and write our homework from). For example,in high school, we always learnt by heart my Romanian Literature teacher's commentary on books ,that's how he graded us].


When confronted about it, mr. Glass tells her to own up to it,stop blaming him for her failures.

She realizes they try to portray her as a problem child, as she had a prior plagiarism offense, and send her to boarding school.


The acting was fine, the movie had a good suspense plot.


The movie is streaming on Netflix, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, AMC on Demand, DirecTv, Google, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !