The Guardians

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h 29min


Genre : Action / Adventure


Starring : Anton Pampushnyy



Soviet superheroes who have lived in the shadows for more than half a century are called to action and assembled by Major Elena Larina,to fight a very dangerous scientist.


The movie stars one of my favorite actors,Anton Pampushnyy,but the movie bored me,and he wasn't that great in this movie either,although,looks wise,he was a sight for sore eyes.


The movie felt more like a documentary,it felt like they were telling us what happened,not showing us .The movie felt staged and I didn’t like the acting that much either .The way it ended they are definitely hoping for a sequel,but the movie lacked in plot and story.


The woman who can turn into water she makes money by getting into water and showing people how she changes,she has this huge auditory, huge pool, and she just jumps in the water and comes across the other side and that’s it,no show,nothing!All those people came all the way and paid just to see that!5 minutes! They could have given her a choreography,taught her some water dances,synchronized swimming or water ballet.


Something else that bothered me,Anton’s character is supposed to be her man but she doesn’t remember him .He didn’t try to win her back,to make her fall in love with him again,he just watched her from afar?!Ever watched 50 first dates?!That guy just met the girl and didn’t stop until he married her although she couldn’t make new memories .This guy knew her ,loved her,she could make new memories,just !wtf?!


We don't know what the villain wanted, he said he created an army of clones but who's clones,because we couldn't see them.

Maybe they should have made the movie longer because we're not shown what's happening most of the time,we're told.


At the end we find out there was a love story in there they didn't explore(I already touched on the subject).I figured out Bear liked the Invisible Girl based on how he looked at her,and how he was overprotective of her.But this was barely there and barely noticeable.

I don't like this minimalisation of feelings that happens in movies lately,as if feeling is bad or not of interest,and all characters should be alone.

Also,there's not much character building.


The movie has a good soundtrack,good visual effects,looks wise looks like a Hollywood movie.It has beautiful costumes, great action scenes / fighting scenes,and good looking actors.


The movie is streaming on Apple iTunes, Vudu, Tubi Tv, Kanopy, Pluto Tv, Shout!Factory Tv, Amazon Video, Google Play, YouTube, Microsoft Store, Redbox.



Rating : Could have been a contender !