The Hamburg Syndrome

Language : German


Year of release : 1979


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Sci Fi



The movie starts with a lecture,as the one expected to give it,is running late. He meets one of his friends on his way to the lecture,and as he gives the lecture,about finding the cure to aging,he finds out the old man collapsed,and interrupts the lecture to go see him.

He follows the ambulance to the hospital,and there,he is told he is dead,and there are other people who died in the same way he did,in the past 8 days. Their numbers are growing daily.


The people affected by whatever this is,freeze,and stay in this freezing position for quite some time,after which,at the moment of their death they crawl into the embryo position.


The professor giving the lecture,finds himself quite a few times in situations having to do with people afflicted by this disease ,touching them,trying to help them,as they die or died.


People start fleeing their homes,as check points are set at all the city limits. The ones considered contaminated due to the fact they were in contact with the dead ones,are taken to camps and hospitalized. They flee in a panic as people around them keep dying,and they don't know if they are infected or are gonna be infected by the ones who just died.


We follow the leads,as the professor tries to get home to his wife. When he finally reaches the city,after quite a few clues that he might be infected,he finds out his sister is dead and her apartment quarantined.

He dies without warning,faster than if he had a stroke. The woman who was with him,the one who followed him through this madness,seems completely unphased!


She goes back to their friends,and once again she is very chill when she tells them their friend died. They are caught by the authorities,and she is vaccinated. She runs away,but she is caught in the mountains.


The movie had potential,the soundtrack was fine,especially for 1979,the acting was fine,but it honestly bored me.

Viewer discretion is advised,as it has quite a lot of nudity.


The movie can be found on YouTube,for the people who know Romanian and German,as it's in German and translated in Romanian.


The link to the YouTube movie here ( it's in German with Romanian subtitles) :


Rating : The Horror, The Horror !