The hidden face

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery



The movie starts with Belen leaving the leading man. Right away,and I mean,right away,he starts dating another woman.

As the movie progresses his new girlfriend believes the house is haunted.


We get to see what happened in his previous relationship,30 minutes in,as the police believe he killed his ex.


Turns out he was having an affair with one of his colleagues .Affair which lingers into his new relationship.

I don't get why isn't he dating the colleague and fools himself and other women ,wasting their time.


The leading man is a conductor at the philharmonic .He gets a job in Bogota,Colombia,and Belen goes with him.

Belen befriends the woman who rented them the house.

The woman,German, tells her, her husband (former nazi soldier,afraid they might come for him after the war) built a panic room,to hide.

Belen decides to test her man's love. And she finds out he's not worth it .

He seemed a toxic man.


The guy to me is not attractive, yet he has 3 women,2 of which beautiful, falling for him. Shaking my head!

Rating : It's so money !