The hunt

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Horror / Thriller


Cast : Hillary Swank, Emma Roberts, Betty Gilpin



The movie starts with messages between what seems to be rich people. In the next scene,we see rich people on a private plane,as a man interrupts their conversation,and an old man is trying to kill him by sticking a pen in his neck . He is finally killed by Athena,who owns the plane,by sticking the heel of her shoe in his eye. He is taken back where we see there are more people.


Emma Roberts wakes up gagged,and meets her end after 13 minutes!


So,what happens in this movie is,after a rumour makes these rich people lose their jobs,because their private messages - in which they were talking about killing people for fun - were hacked and released to the public,they decide to really kidnap and hunt people for fun,as payback.

They find all the people who commented on their so called hunting parties,and select the ones who annoyed them the most.

The killing scenes are brutal,worthy of the Hostel franchise.


The movie keeps on switching leads,and we finally meet our leading lady after the 25 minutes marker. And she is a bad a$$ !

She manages to get through all the challenges and meet Athena,the mastermind behind this evil scheme. They have an amazing fight,and I'm not gonna spoil the ending for you.


Hillary Swank is filmed always from her head down,from her back and such,and her identity is finally revealed after the one hour marker. I'm writing about it,because in the making of,they have no problem showing her face in the scenes they don't in the movie,and may I say,her acting was top notch,they should have filmed her acting the scenes normally.


The movie is making fun of how the right and the left parties see each other and speak of each other,and also,how the left party speaks,so careful not to offend anyone,always using the right words.


I honestly enjoyed it,I loved the fighting scenes,the witty dialogue...certain times,in the midst of the action scenes they say something or do something which cracked me up.


Rating : It's so money !