The incredible Burt Wonderstone

Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Comedy / Fantasy


Cast : Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Steve Buscemi, Olivia Wilde



As a kid, Burt was bullied by his peers and found refuge in magic. He meets a kid who is into magic as much as he is, and many years later, they are a very successful team of magicians.


30 years later they are jaded,especially Burt,who doesn't appreciate what he has, especially his friend, Anton, and is pretty mean to people,selfish,full of himself and shallow.


Due to the fact they didn't change anything in their show in 10 years, their employer is asking them to change their routine,because newcomers such as Steve Gray are taking things to a whole new level.


Steve Gray seems to be off his rocker,as he is pushing the limits of his body, cutting himself to get a card, sleeping on hot coal, and even holding his urine for days! One would say he is not a magician,and they would be right!


In an attempt to revive their show and career, Anton comes up with an idea, to stay in a suspended plastic box for a whole week in the Las Vegas hot sun.

Unluckily, Burt being the arrogant man he is, he doesn't last half an hour!

This leads to the break up of the team. Burt is trying to do the show himself, but being a two men show, fails miserably.

His employer fires him,and Burt ends up on the street as he didn't save any money.


He asks his assistant to take him in, the one he keeps on calling Nicole, although he knows her name is Jane,and because he is ungrateful,calling her apartment tiny,the food she cooked,slop and horrible, and women magicians,bad (Jane wants to have her own magic show), she throws him out.


Burning all his bridges, he ends up doing magic shows in malls and retirement homes. In a retirement home he meets the magician who's magic show he watched as a kid,giving him the bug for magic.

The man teaches him to see the fun and joy in doing magic again, and maybe he can revive his career.


The actors were good, some scenes were so funny and ridiculous I laughed with tears.

The visual effects were good.

The soundtrack was Ok.


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !