The invisible guest

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Mario Casas



Adrian and Laura have an affair. Problem is, both of them are married. On their way home from their trip (they both lied to their spouses they've been somewhere else for work) Adrian takes a detour and when a deer jumps in front of their car they have a car accident which involves another driver.


Scared their affair is gonna be in the open and ruin their marriages,and not just that, Adrian's career as a business man,they dispose of the car and body.


Adrian hires the best lawyer to defend him as he is later accused of k!lling someone.


As his story unravels,we find out there's more to what he says than meets the eye.


The acting was great, especially from Anna Wagener who plays Virginia Goodman (SPOILER --- she plays two characters,one of them used to be an actress which is revealed at the end why is it so important), the movie has a few plot twists.


I loved it, I loved the music at the end when everything is revealed. I also loved these scenes in which a lighter is dropped in the water and it turns into the car sinking.


The movie is available on Amazon Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Netflix, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !