The invisible man

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 2h5min


Genre : Thriller / Horror


Cast : Elisabeth Moss



The movie opens on the night Cecilia is leaving her husband in the middle of the night.

We see that she drugged him to be able to leave,and that the house is heavily monitored,as they have cameras all around,including in their bedroom. Even the dog has a collar which gives him electroshocks.

In an attempt to release him,the dog hits the car which's alarm goes off,and wakes the husband up.

Cecilia runs and waits for her sister.

As they drive away,her husband breaks the car's window in an attempt to get Cecilia out of the car.


Two weeks later,Cecilia lives in fear and is afraid to go outside the house. She reads stuff on the internet about being spied on and covers the laptop's camera.

Her sister comes to see her and she freaks out. Her sister tells her the object of her dread is dead.

Cecilia finds it hard to believe as her husband was not the weak,killing himself type,but the opposite.


She finds out she inherits a lot of his money,inheritance which comes with weird rules which state that she can't kill anyone. What? That should tell anyone that is something fishy here.


Pretty soon,Cecilia starts feeling as if she's spied on,as if someone is with her in the room,she has blackouts,she loses her work as she goes to an interview and collapses right then and there,and sees things at night.


Pretty soon,everyone is alienated from her,as her sister receives an email which she didn't send,and the daughter of the police man who gives her shelter is hit in the face while they were having a conversation.


Cecilia is sure her so called "late" husband is doing this,although his brother assures her he's dead,and everyone around her considers her crazy.


I loved the movie,the acting was top notch,especially from Elisabeth Moss.

The visual effects were great,the music is hauting,it reminds me of horror movies about demon possession or AI like Terminator.

Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !