The invitation

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Horror / Mystery



Evelyn is working for a catering agency,with her best friend. At the end of the event, her friend grabs a swag bag,which also has a DNA test in it.


Evelyn's mother recently died, while her father died when she was 14,so she has no family left.


She decides to take the DNA test,and the results tell her she comes from a rich British family.


Her cousin can't wait to meet her, and he's very nice and friendly to her. He immediately invites her to a wedding in England,telling her all his relatives know about her now,and are excited to meet her.


On Walter De Ville's estate,she notices the five servants have numbers written on their uniforms,1,2,3..


Evelyn is quite taken with Walter,and he seems to like her too.


At night, Evelyn has nightmares, and that goes on each night, also, waking up, she sees strange things ,while the servants(without numbers on their aprons) tell her she can't walk alone at night. That might be because the butler keeps on feeding the maids to a creature who seems a lot like a vampire.


Her relationship with Walter deepens, while they keep on talking about the wedding which's bride and groom are unseen.


Evelyn starts to suspect her new found family has darker motives for having her here.


The actors were all fine, the leading lady was the best.


The soundtrack was great ( except for the song at the end of the movie, when the credits rolled,which didn't match),so were the visual effects.


I loved the house, the interior design,its dark, gloomy interiors.

Rating : Worth a watch !