The king's daughter

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h34min


Genre : Fantasy


Cast : Pierce Brosnan, William Hurt, Kaya Scodelario



Based on the 1997 book The Moon and the Sun,by Vonda N.McIntyre,this movie was filmed 8 years ago,and still flopped today. From what I read,although readers weren't that impressed,the book was better.


King Louis the XIV believes he found the immortality source,as his doctor tells him about how mermaids can heal people and whatnot. He sends his men to capture one.

At the same time,an orphan is taken from the monastery,where she was raised, by the king's priest,and taken to court. The orphan never asks herself why!


While the orphan arrives in court, so do the men with the mermaid. The orphan has a special connection with the mermaid,because,why not? She falls off the horse and breaks her arm,but the mermaid heals her.


The movie has no soul,there is no connection between the king and his daughter. The king is cold,the daughter is..spoiled,for someone who was an orphan,at the king's court,in that day of age.


Most of the characters are unlikeable. The king,played by Pierce Brosnan,is very selfish,only thinks about himself. The only reason he brought the orphan who proves to be his daughter,was to marry her  off to the richest man in the country,so the king himself would stay rich. He tells his daughter she is his at the last moment,right before he tells her she is to marry that guy,which was,the very next day!


The king has no redeemable qualities,he wants to be immortal and he thinks that's what God wants ,to protect France .Sure ,man!


Another movie fail was how the people were dressed,which did not respect the era the movie was supposed to be anchored in ! The women wear today's makeup and gowns! All the dresses look like today's dresses, with today's haircuts!


The maid or lady in waiting,whatever she was,I watched this movie in a day because that's how much I liked it,was African American. At the court of France!


The actors were unappealing. Pierce Brosnan,one of the most beautiful men in his time,looks ridiculous with this long wig they put on him !


The acting was awful,the leading actress,I've seen her in other movies too,she's always acting the same,she only has a few faces she puts on. The only one who's acting was fine was William Hurt.


This movie was kept on the shelf for 8 years and they never thought of improving it. I guess they thought it was gonna get better with age,like wine!


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : The Horror,The HORROR !