The Lake House

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 1h39min


Genre : Romantic / Fantasy


Cast : Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Christopher Plummer



The movie is based on the South Korean movie,Il Mare,released in 2000.


The first time I watched this movie,back in 2006 ,I hated it! But now, I actually liked it.


Kate is a lone doctor who moves out of her lake house and leaves a letter in the mail box for the next owner.

The man replies to her the things she tells him aren't real. Right after,they happen. They realize they are two years apart from each other,Kate is in 2006,Alex,in 2004.


Alex is an architect who doesn't have a good relationship with his father,as the latter is distant,the only thing the man seemingly loving being his job. Alex is also sought after by the woman he works with,but he's not interested in her at all ( I love how the actors date the ones whom in movies they don't even give the time of day,as in real life,at the time,Keanu dated the actress,Lynn Collins )


Kate is unable to connect with anyone,as she is the reason her relationship with a good man didn't work. She wanted to be a singer,but she became a doctor,like her father wanted to.


After trying to meet,Alex having to wait 2 years for her, Kate gives up,thinking he's not interested, as he didn't show up,and goes back to her former flame,the man she broke up with,because he found her kissing another man,whom we find out,was Alex!

We find out why Alex didn't meet her,and it wasn't because he didn't care.


The actors were fine,maybe Keanu wasn't at times..Sandra has this awful short haircut which doesn't work in her favor..and wears ugly clothes..other than that,the movie seems sterile,as it happens mostly on winter,but a winter with naked trees and not much snow.

The movie seems sterile due to the lack of emotions the leads have,due to Alex's father's inability to love or maybe show his emotions, due to the house which is built on pillars above the water,full of windows,which makes it look empty,barren,naked. And I think this is why I hated the movie the first time I watched it. The only thing carrying the movie being the two leads with their hope for each other,but even they lead empty,unfulfilled,lives.


The movie is available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple Tv, Google Play Movies & Tv, Netflix, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Coulda Woulda Shoulda,because it's in between Could have been a contender and Worth a watch for me!