The last days
Language : Spanish
Year of release : 2013
Run time : 1h43min
Genre : Thriller / Sci Fi
Cast : Jose Coronado
It's been 3 moths since Marc and his co-workers left the office. At the same time we see life before.. whatever took place. We see Marc struggling at work, avoiding getting fired,watching late night news about Mount Hekla erupting, the ashes reaching Southern Europe,and a story about a teenager in Canada who k!lled himself after he was afraid to leave the house for the past 6 months. At work, we hear they keep on playing these videos of the kid,and we find out there's a co-worker who is afraid to leave the building,living there for a while.
Marc decides to go look for his girlfriend, and asks the man who was about to fire him to help him,as he has a GPS. The man agrees to go through the tunnel system with him,as they are afraid not to leave the building,but go outside!
When they finally reach Marc's place, after being robbed and almost k!lled by a former cop,his brother and his gang, he finds out a family lives in his house,and his girl is not there. Although he finds a doctor's appointment she had last, he decides to go to the mall where she used to work,to find her.
The movie had an original idea,and it reminded me of the Japanese horror movies like The Grudge, or the Ring,or even their American remakes,in terms of how all this started, although we never find out what caused it (the kid in the news had the condition before Mount Hekla's eruption. In terms of spreading, if the kid passed it to others,it could have been just by watching him, then the infected, spreading the condition along).
I liked how the movie was shot,the reminiscing scenes, with the trees,so full of light and color, and the girlfriend.
The actors were good.
The soundtrack was good.
The movie is for free on Kanopy, Plex, 7 days free on AMC+ Prime Video, and for rent / sale on AppleTv.
Rating : Worth a watch !