The last duel

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h34min


Genre : Drama / Historical Drama


Cast : Matt Damon, Adam Driver , Jodie Comer, Ben Affleck



Directed by Ridley Scott and based upon the book of Eric Jager,screenplay written by Matt Damon,Ben Affleck(I almost forgot the two of them wrote scripts) and Nicole Holofcener, The last duel is a historical drama set in the late 1300's.


The movie has three chapters and tells the story three times through the eyes of the three leading characters. At first we see the events unfold through the eyes of Jean de Carrouges,a respected knight who's got a bit of a temper. Then through the eyes of Jacques Le Gris,a squire who's got the admiration of the count for being intelligent and eloquent. And in the end through the eyes of the beautiful Marguerite de Carrouges,Jean's wife,who becomes the object of Le Gris' affection.


Marguerite accuses Le Gris of rape,and nobody believes her but her husband ,even her closest friend turning on her.

Le Gris,used to taking women against their will,whenever he wanted,because apparently this was the custom,thought that since he wanted her(although he tricked her into getting into her house when she was alone),thinks that her screaming and running from him saying No,was the woman's obligatory refusal,as their No always meant Yes. Shaking my head!


Although I loved the movie,it angered me so much to see the way things used to be back then,and how the woman was seen as the man's property,and there was no such thing as a crime against a woman,no rape,it was a crime against the man who's property she was!(that's a quote from the movie)

I was stunned at the ridiculous way of thinking of the people from the medieval ages. Listen to this :

If a woman doesn't have an orgasm,she can't have kids!

From a rape a woman can't be pregnant!

If a woman got pregnant from a rape it meant she liked it!

The rape victim was asked if she had an orgasm,because one can have from rape,apparently,and not just that,she would have definitely filed charges if she liked it,no?

If the husband loses the fight against the rapist it means she lied ! And she is to be burnt alive for lying!!!

It was also annoying to see how the woman's value was her dowry,and how Jean was fighting with Marguerite's father on their wedding day,in front of the priest and her,because he wanted a property which he didn't own anymore!

The acting was great,everybody gave their best,Ben Affleck and Matt Damon looked like they hated each other on screen although we know they're besties in real life,so that's great acting for you right there!


The soundtrack was beautiful,the fights were great,especially the last one(the movie is called the last duel because it's a fight to the death and one of them will die).


Rating : It's so money !