The last time

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Michael Keaton, Brendan Fraser, Amber Valletta



Ted Riker is the best salesman at his firm. He is asked by his boss to take Jamie under his wing. He does, and he starts getting attached to him.


See, Ted is a no bullsh!t, aggressive, abusive guy, who is not nice to anyone, he just tells it to people like it is, and sometimes even more so. The only one he is nice to,is his mother.


Jamie was the star at his company in the Midwest, but in New York, he can't sell, and could soon be fired.


Ted falls in love with Jamie's fiance with whom he starts having an affair, and starts being nice to people,on top of that,feeling a lot of guilt towards Jamie,and trying his best to keep him in the company.


Belise, Jamie's fiance, makes a habit of calling Ted when he's at work, talking to clients, asking him to meet or just take the day or week off,just to be together, and Ted starts skipping work.


Things start going bad for the company, but Ted doesn't seem to notice,as he's in love.


The movie has a twist at the end, as things might not be as they seem.


The actors were good, Brendan Fraser plays the same good guy with a twist.


The movie is labeled a comedy,but there's nothing funny about it.


The movie is streaming on Tubi Tv, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Vudu. YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !