The Lost City

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h52min


Genre : Adventure / Comedy


Cast : Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, Daniel Radcliffe, Brad Pitt



After the death of her husband,with whom she shared not just the love for ancient mysteries and mythology, but the love for adventure and intelligence,Loretta is afraid to finish her latest novel,in fear that might make her go out into the world and meet new people.

She dreads the book release,as her agent is pressing her to finish it,as she already prepared the book tour.

At the book meet with the fans,her agents brings the cover model for her series of books,as the readers love him way too much. She doesn't like him,as she thinks he likes to embarrass her.


We soon discover it's not so,as the man is a bit slow,but he means well.


Loretta is kidnapped by the son of a billionaire who left his fortune to his younger brother,and is a bit bitter,and who has a passion for ancient worlds,and a bigger passion for the Crown of Fire Loretta wrote about in her latest book. He thinks that due to the fact she could translate the ancient runes correctly,she can translate the papyrus he has,and find the Lost City,so he could get his hands on the treasure.


Alan,the cover model, is calling his friend who is ex navy,set to find and rescue Loretta,as he is in love with her. His friend looks and seems to be the embodiment of Loretta's character,Dash. He does and says all the right things,and Loretta seems to be falling for him, when they rescue her on the secluded island,to Alan's despair. But he's taken out of the picture immediately.


Loretta and Alan are left on their own,as they try to figure out how to get back home,through the untamed wildlife of the secluded island,and Alan is trying to prove himself in order to make her fall in love with him.


The actors are great,I particularly loved Brad Pitt and Daniel Radcliffe. The movie was funny,there were certain scenes I laughed at with tears. Loretta is wearing for the most part of the movie this sequin jumpsuit her agent made her wear which is very uncomfortable and which stands out in a crowd due to the glitter and color.


The movie is in cinemas across the world, and is streaming on Paramount Plus .


Rating : Worth a watch !