The lost room

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 32min -47min


Genre : Mini Series / Tv Series / Sci Fi / Action / Adventure / Fantasy


Cast : Peter Krause, Julianna Margulies, Peter Jacobson, Elle Fanning, Kevin Pollack, Roger Bart



Episode 1 The Key


Investigating an unusual crime scene, detective Joe Miller ends up in the possession of a special key, given to him by the guy he was investigating.

Checking the key,by using it on one of his doors,he sees it opens to a hotel room which exists outside of time.


His daughter is being kidnapped by a man who wants the key,and trying to escape from him,she uses the key and disappears into the room.

The detective is bent on finding her, as every time the door to the "lost room" closes everything resets,and whatever was put in,which didn't belong to the original setting of the room,disappears.

He finds a man who can send people to Route 66,no matter where they are in the world,by touching them with a bus ticket,and a woman who can put people to sleep by showing them a small knife.


There are certain factions who want to find the key,one side to destroy them,the other to keep them,as they think they belong to God,or are God.



Episode 2 The Clock


Joe Miller is told in order to get his daughter back he needs to use the clock at the same time he uses the key. So he finds out who has it,and comes up with a plan to steal it.

He is helped by the man who has the pen belonging to the room,which has the power to burn people.


Dr. Martin Ruber becomes obsessed with the objects and tries to find one, to join the Order of the Reunification,who believes the objects are part of God,and bringing them together,they can speak to God.



Episode 3 The Comb


Detective Miller is helped by Jennifer Bloom,part of The Legion,the other cabal or order,dedicated to finding the objects and hiding them from humanity(as they can't be destroyed),as whoever has an object or more,and keeps them, attracts bad things.


He finds the man who has the comb,which can render the one who uses it invisible,at the same time stopping time for him,for a few seconds.



Episode 4 The Box


Detective Miller asks the man who has the ticket,Wally, to join him at the hotel,and they discover the room doesn't exist,and room 9 is haunted.


Dr. Ruber becomes a member of the order of Reunification.


The ghost at the hotel might not be a ghost after all,but a woman trapped in another dimension.



Episode 5 The Eye


Karl Kreutzfeld goes to an antique store in order to get a new item. There,detective Miller finds him and takes him into the room. He is asking for his help and they work together,trying to find the scissors.


Jennifer tells detective Miller not to work with Karl, telling him he is not to be trusted.


Ruber was left in the desert by detective Miller, as he tried to double cross him.



Episode 6 The Prime Object


The prime object is the man who stayed in the lost room. All the objects in the room,now holding a certain power,belonged to him.


Dr. Ruber is found by the police and taken to the hospital.


Karl is taking out his eye to replace it with the fake one with power to regenerate all flesh,among other things.


Detective Miller is asking The Suit to find the prime object,the man occupying the room, in his desperate attempt to get his daughter back. He finds him in a mental institution,and he didn't age a day!



This is one of my favorite movies,and watching it now, I have to say, I still love it!

What I didn't like is that it gives no explanation as to why the room exists,why the room is the way it is,how it all came to be. The man in the room had no explanation for why he was the way he was,taken out of his timeline.


The visual effects are great,as they really stand the test of time.


The actors were great. There are some who have certain quirks,like the guy who has the comb ,and those are the best!


The soundtrack is good.


The lost room is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Hoopla, Tubi, Vudu, and is for sale on Apple Tv, Google Play, Vudu.


Rating : The stuff dreams are made of!



The cast of the series