The Matrix Resurrections

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h28min


Genre : Sci-Fi / Action


Cast : Keanu Reeves, Carrie Anne Moss, Jessica Henwick, Priyanka Chopra, Jada Pinkett Smith, Neil Patrick Harris, Jonathan Groff, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II



Thomas Anderson is a game designer at a company called Deus Machina meaning God Machine; he designed a trilogy called The Matrix,which is,what the rest of us know as the Matrix Trilogy. He sees things which aren't there(here and there we see a glimpse of what he sees,himself as an older man in his many bathroom mirrors,Trinity as a blonde woman in the table reflection)


Thomas sees a therapist for his condition who is giving him a lot of blue pills to take. Funny thing,at the therapist's office,behind Neo,I mean ,Thomas,there's this maze. Behind the therapist there's also a blue butterfly which could suggest mind control...(look up MK Ultra mind control and the Monarch butterfly,in that regard ),when we see the cat,there's another butterfly next to it,so two people under mind control..

The therapist also has a black cat,if anyone remembers the black cat from the original Matrix,it could mean a glitch in the Matrix if I remember correctly(I hope I'm not wrong I didn't watch the Matrix Trilogy in at least 10 years),named Deja Vu. His therapist,is also wearing a lot of blue,his glasses are blue,his clothes.. which means being sunk into the system.

The coffee shop Thomas goes to is called Simulatte !


Thomas sees Trinity,now her name being Tiffany,who is married and has two kids,and when they finally speak,she actually tells him,that that's how she sees herself,she thinks she looks like Trinity,and she loves bikes.


The agents are replaced with the swarm people,who are bots or drones,who's sole purpose for existing is to serve the system,so it can hack into them,being easier than the agent hacking,as the Analyst said.

That being said,the visual effects,although 22 years later,didn't feel as good as the original.


What I loved about the movie is the love story. They always get me with the love story. This is how you write a movie if you want to have your audience's attention. With the love story you give people something to aspire to,to make watching worth while. And it was !

I loved it,I loved the idea of how they couldn't exist one without the other,and together,they could basically create stars!

I liked the fighting / action scenes too,although they didn't quite match the level of the previous movies(the final-apocalyptic- battle in the rain between Neo and Agent Smith to me was epic with the ball of water and the two of them fighting and falling from the sky...), Neo is doing a lot of hand gestures now,like The Flick Pick mentioned.


The movie didn't quite feel like the Matrix,as The Matrix had distinctive music and coloring. In the first movies the coloring was on shades of green,as if there was something wrong with the world,it was decomposing or something. This time it's all full of bright colors,even the characters like the new Morpheus,are dressed in colorful outfits.


I have to say,as a Matrix fan,who defended it in front of anyone who disliked it, I missed seeing  Hugo Weaving as  Agent Smith,he made that character iconic with his unique interpretation of him,and Laurence Fishburne ,as they made those characters their own, and that's how you make a movie stand out in someone's mind,by inflicting soul into a character,making it impossible for someone to see that character played by anyone else.




What I didn't quite get so I wouldn't say like - Niobe is still alive? She must have been 30 in the Matrixes she should be 90 by now, I don't think one can survive in such an environment for so long.

But Morpheus is dead,he dies in the real world,long after his split from the Matrix,and yet,he's still in the Matrix and is played now,obviously, by someone else. What I didn't get ,is,why did they create the new Morpheus from the old one and Agent Smith?! And how?! Why did they make him an agent ?!

An yet the old Agent Smith was in the Matrix too,as Thomas' boss. Make it make sense !

Speaking of growing old,the Merovingian makes an appearance too,and I think he's much older than 90 years old,although he doesn't look it. He was a part of the purged ones,who were supposed to be killed ,and yet,here they are,coming back after living in exile for more than 60 years. Seriously ! He was funny ,though!


I also,don't get how could they put Trinity back in the Matrix,since she died outside the Matrix,so she was free. Dying outside the Matrix,you're no longer part of it.


I didn't like the idea that if they are back in the Matrix it means they failed their purpose. They went back to where they started,to no avail. Neo was a savior who failed his purpose.


Being a Matrix programme,why is Morpheus living like a human,bathing and such?!


At the same time,the movie didn't feel like the Matrix because of the coloring,I guess in the first ones the coloring was such to express that something was wrong,in this one the coloring is so vivid,so perfect,I guess,to make people believe the world is perfect,to create the illusion the world is how it should be,so it can't be fake .


The movie didn't feel like the Matrix also because of the outfits. The Matrix had such cool,beautiful outfits the first time,now ,not so much.

Also,although it pains me to say it,the leads looked a bit old and tired.


I rewatched the movie last night and I understand why the reviewers hated it, having watched it after watching the trilogy the previous days. Let me just say,the first half of the movie bored me,as they did the exact same thing they did in the first Matrix,while showing us better incarnations of today's characters.I hated the first half,as I never liked the Zion story,always too long and boring,and I finally got on board when they started rescuing Trinity.


I didn't like how the actors acted,it felt they were in awe of the characters they were playing,unable to become the character because they kept on thinking they were playing in the Matrix, or some iconic character,so it felt like some sort of cosplaying.

I never liked Niobe,she was always angry and mean looking in the Matrix sequels,I didn't want to see more of her now,talking more about how she never believed in the One.

The only ones who's acting I liked were Keanu,Carrie and Neil Patrick Harris.


In conclusion,this to me,is not really a Matrix movie,because The Matrix had a certain look,it was the coloring,that green tone symbolizing a world in decay,the dark -straight laced - more or less- costumes,the poise,the actors who embodied the characters to perfection becoming them.

Christina Ricci plays a cameo in the movie. Lambert Wilson,who played the Merovingian, in the Reloaded and Revolutions,makes an appearance.


The Matrix Resurrections is streaming on HBO Max.


Rating : Coulda woulda shoulda !



The movie picture is fan art. If anyone knows who created it ,I'd be happy to credit it.