The Matrix Revolutions

Year of release : 2003


Run time : 2h9min


Genre : Sci - Fi / Action


Cast : Keanu Reeves, Carrie Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, Monica Bellucci, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lambert Wilson



Neo is trapped in his own mind in a place which borders the Matrix.

Morpheus and Trinity go to the Oracle to find out how to save him. She tells them they need the Trainman who works with the Merovingian.

Once out,Neo has a plan to go to the machine world,to the Source.

The other members of the team return to Zion.

Agent Smith is multiplying beyond control,infecting other programs and people,like a virus. His purpose,destroy the matrix. He reaches the Oracle.


The machines descend upon Zion and the people there fight them with all they have. The machines almost win,but then,they stop.


Neo reaches the Source,not after a few sacrifices SPOILERS - Agent Smith who infected Bane- fights him and burns his eyes,then,as they try to escape the sentinels Trinity dies -and proposes a deal .

Neo loses his eyes but gains sight,as in,he sees the world as it really is(the world behind the world),energy flowing to the source of all things.


SPOILERS - but if you didn't watch it by now..,this is a 19 year old movie!

I remember the first time I watched Revolutions,seeing Trinity die,I thought,he's not gonna make it,they killed his woman,he's gonna die too!


The world inside the matrix is on shades of green as if the machines didn't know how to use or adjust colors,and the Oracle,the mother of this world, is always in the colors of the Matrix,when we see her in the kitchen cooking,before Agent Smith reaches her, she is dressed in the colors of the kitchen,as if to suggest she is fully submerged in this world.Green also means regeneration.

The world outside the matrix is on blue.


The actor who plays Bane,Ian Bliss,is amazing,he imitates the way Hugo Weaving talks and acts,he even looks like him,when I first watched the movie,I thought it was him!

I loved the last major fight between Agent Smith and Neo,is was epic,apocalyptic !


The soundtrack is amazing,especially in the final fight which decides the faith of the world.


Once again,the visual effects were revolutionary for that time and the final fight has a lot of scenes which happen in the air,it's just amazing!!

There's also a scene in which Morpheus and Trinity go to the club the Merovingian is at,and they have a fight with people who are walking on the ceiling!


The Matrix trilogy is streaming on HBO Max and Hulu.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !