The maze runner

Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi / Dystopia / Mystery / Thriller / Adventure


Cast : Dylan O'Brien



The movie is based on the 2009 young adult dystopian science fiction novel by James Dashner,which is the first book in the Maze Runner series of five,the last one being a prequel,although the movie franchise only has 3 episodes.


The movie opens with the leading character who wakes up in an elevator,without knowing who he is or where he is. The elevator goes up and opens to a place called 'The Glade',where about 30 teenage boys,like himself abide.


A few of the boys tell him about the place surrounded by tall stone walls and its rules. He is told about the maze which is all around them behind the walls,and the maze runners. He is intrigued about the maze and wants to be a maze runner,but the boy in charge refuses. Just then,the gates of the maze are set in motion,and close for the night,as he is told is happening every night.

Fighting with one of the boys at night,and hitting his head,he remembers his name,Thomas.


Next morning,as the gates of the maze open,the maze runner left behind comes back,looking like a zombie, jumping at Thomas,telling him it's his fault.


Helped by the other boys,they find out the boy was stung and is turning into a zombie. They send him into the maze before the gates close at night.


Every night,Thomas has dreams about a place looking like a science lab, where he seemed to have worked,hearing on repeat 'Wicked is good'.


One day,the maze runners make it back right before the gates close,and seeing one is wounded and the healthy one is not gonna make it,Thomas runs into the maze to help him.

The maze closes behind him.

He and Minho string the boy up so the creature wouldn't reach him,and when the creature,looking like a sort of huge spider,with mechanic legs,comes out of a gate, Thomas hides under the ivy. He gets out,and the spider chases him,until Thomas fights it,and kills it.

They come out in the morning,bringing the stung boy with them.


Gally,the one in charge of the boys of the Glade,as he was the first one there,is against and afraid of change,and wants to punish Thomas for killing a creature.


Thomas gains the trust of half of the boys,while the other half is suspicious about him.


When Minho says instead of punishing him they should make him a runner,the elevator is set in motion again,and instead of a boy, a girl is lying unconscious in it,with a note saying 'she's the last one ever'. She opens her eyes to say one thing 'Thomas' before she fades into oblivion again.


They decide to go back into the maze and check the spider. They find something like a tracker with the number 7 on it, and take it.


Gally doesn't like Thomas makes the boys break the rules or completely get rid of them.


Minho shows Thomas the maze they mapped,and tells him there's no way out.


The infected boy,again,when he sees Thomas, says it's all his fault. It seems Thomas might be connected to the ones who put the boys there,and do this weird experiment on them.


The girl has a serum with her,which they believe is the cure to what the stung boy has. Coming to his senses, the boy says again, that he saw Thomas in the lab,and he's one of the people doing this to them!


In the evening,the maze doesn't close and the creatures enter the glade,killing some of the boys.

Thomas decides they need to enter the maze to find a way out.


I personally liked the movie,it had mystery,suspense,action,the acting was great,the soundtrack matched,and it keeps you in the movie,in the plot,wanting to know what is happening,where all leads to,and how does it end.


The visual effects were good.


The acting was good,Dylan O'Brien was the best.


The soundtrack was good.

Rating : Worth a watch !