The pale blue eye

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h10min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Christian Bale, Harry Melling, Robert Duvall, Gillian Anderson



The movie is based on Louis Bayard's novel of the same name.


The movie starts with the lead, Augustus Landor, being asked to visit the Military Academy as they want a word with him. Landor doesn't seem pleased, but accepts to meet that very moment.

Landor is a widower and he says his daughter ran away a while back.

He is asked to investigate the death of a cadet, Fry,who is believed to have hang himself,but his heart was carved from his chest while at the morgue.


A cadet,by the name of Edgar A.Poe approaches him, and asks to help with the investigation. Landor accepts,as the cadet seems to be intelligent and solve a few mysteries.


Poe falls in love with the doctor from the morgue's daughter who has a strange illness which makes her weak, and should have already killed her.


The title of the movie derives from a poem Poe tells the woman he loves.


The movie had a good plot, but I must say, I don't quite enjoy it when they insert real people in fictional stories,as a form of fan fiction,if you will, making them real to people who watch or read,as some people might think since it involves that real person,that might have truly happened.


I liked the twist at the end,which explains why Landon cared more about his daughter running away than his wife's passing. It also explains Landon's reactions at the beginning of the movie.


I liked the world they created, the houses,the interior design,the women's dresses.


The actors were all good.

I don't remember the soundtrack.


The movie is a Netflix production and streams on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !