The Spy Who Dumped Me

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h58min


Genre : Action / Comedy


Cast : Mila Kunis, Kate McKinnon ,Sam Heughan, Gillian Anderson, Justin Theroux



The story is about two American girls who travel to Europe in a quest to help the ex of one of them,who got shot,or so they think,right in front of them.

The ex was a spy,who dumped her through a text. At first this nice guy portrait is painted of him,but soon the opposite unravels.

Sam Heughan plays the spy who helps them,and whom at first they don’t trust and think is the bad guy.


Very vulgar movie. I noticed in the past years a trend in A lister celebs who play in vulgar movies. I can’t help but think there’s an agenda behind it .I lost my respect for all who play in such movies,Cameron Diaz, Scarlett matter how much I liked them once.

The movie has frontal male nudity, vulgar vernacular.

The girl from SNL is too much, just like Justin Theroux said. She always plays the same annoying character.

Sam Heughan was one of my favorites. He doesn’t say anything vulgar,but he’s in some of the vulgar scenes. I didn’t like how he acted in this movie.

They dress Mila in the most atrocious clothes in the first hour of the movie.


The only good thing I have to say about it,is the action scenes were great!


Rating : Could have been a contender !