The starling

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Melissa McCarthy, Kevin Kline, Timothy Olyphant



A couple paints the room of their newborn daughter,talking about what she's gonna become when she's gonna grow up. Fast forward a year later,the husband is in a mental institution while the wife tries to deal with it. We find out their daughter died,but we're never told how and why.


Now we see them struggle to get back to where they were,and find their way back to each other. We also find out why was it harder for the husband to deal with the loss,as he suffered from depression his whole life.


The acting was good,the songs inspiring..I didn't get why the starling was always attacking her,even after she rescued it ( true,after she tried to kill it,but considering what the starling put her through,anyone would do the same ) after a while it became annoying.


I watched the movie because of Melissa who is one of my favorites,but just like the Hollywood movies lately,something was missing.


I loved the landscapes,the place where they filmed the movie was spectacular,I loved their house,their corner of heaven,the room they created for the baby. Even the mental institution was set in a beautiful surrounding.


The movie is a Netflix original,so it streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !