The Stepford wives

Year of release : 1975


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror



The movie is based on the 1972 satirical novel of the same name by Ira Levin.


The movie centers around Joanna Eberhart,who moves with her family from New York,to peaceful Stepford.

Once there,she asks the husband why did they move,and she soon tells the husband,they always do what he wants to do,if he decides something he tells her to make her believe he is asking for an opinion, but his mind is already set, so they do what he wants.


Joanna can't make any friends in Stepford, as all the women are busy with house chores, from cooking to cleaning to pleasing their husbands.

Did I mention the women are all beautiful and young,while the men are average at best?They look old and ugly,with a misogynist attitude to the point I was wondering what did these women find in them in the first place?


Joanna soon comes to the conclusion there's something wrong with the women of Stepford. She finally makes a friend,Bobby,but she is soon taken by her husband to a weekend getaway,and is returned completely changed,just like another woman they made friends with,but whom soon after,crossed over,after a weekend getaway.


Joanna realizes after four months spent in Stepford,all women change,and believes there's something in the water.


All around Stepford are these computer and tech companies ,and all men are in their secret association that women aren't allowed in. They come over unannounced,and draw the women's picture,making her write down the words they commonly use,and record their voices.


The men are very selfish,it's all about what they want,their needs,like for example: after the women make the transition,turning into the changeling, the men turn the house into what they wanted it to be,like for example,one of Joanna's friends liked tennis. Right after her change, the men destroy the tennis court,saying he hated tennis,and is gonna replace it with a pool,like he always wanted.


SPOILER The men want their women house bound,but instead of finding and marrying women who like to be stay at home,they marry these women who want a career,and then bring them to Stepford to  create in their image. Whoever brings his wife to Stepford, brings her there to k!ll her,they are psychopaths, criminals,the one in charge in my opinion is a serial killer.


STILL SPOILER I can't get over the fact the lead's husband,after he saw what Stepford is about, shaken, tells the wife he loves her,and yet he goes on with the plan against her. How can you love someone when you k!ll them and replace them with a robot?! How can you say you love someone when you want to change them,and never spend time with them,nor asking them their opinion on any decisions you make for the both of you?

Joanna's husband looks old and ugly,bald,and yet he's the one who wants her to have bigger breasts!She's still not good looking enough for him!


The acting was good,so were the visual effects,the soundtrack not so much.


I wouldn't call the movie horror,like it was labelled,as it was nothing scary like that,the horror comes from what these men are capable of doing to the women they say they love.


The link to the full movie here :


Rating : Worth a watch !