The taming of the shrew

Year of release : 1967


Run time : 2h2min


Genre : Comedy / Romance


Cast : Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Michael York



The movie is based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name, written in the late 1590's.


Baptista Minola's younger daughter has many suitors, so he tells them he'll allow her to marry only after his oldest daughter, who has a bit of a temper problem, will get married.


Although beautiful, Katherina, is always angry, having temper tantrums, lashing out at everybody, beating them up and destroying the house!


One of her sister's suitors goes to Petruchio who accepts the challenge. After trying to woo her like a gentleman, he lowers himself to her level,and starts playing her game.


He tricks her into marrying him, and at the wedding refuses to stay at the party, deciding to leave for his place in the middle of the pouring rain,with nothing else but the clothes on them,giving her a donkey to ride!

When they're finally at his dusty place(it's snowing,so it's winter!), he doesn't let her eat,acting all crazy,trying to match her crazy in a battle of wits.


He starts saying crazy things and when she disagrees, he starts acting up, taking his word back,so she starts to agree with whatever he says. He even says the moon is the sun and that an old man is a young maiden, so she agrees in fear of repercussions.

The whole time I was thinking, this is what we call today a toxic relationship, but when you marry crazy (for the money),you have to match her crazy, to get along.


The movie was funny and entertaining,the actors were good.


I liked Elizabeth Taylor's outfits.


I didn't like the soundtrack.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !