The Terminator

Year of release : 1984


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi / Horror


Cast : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen



The movie opens with a future war action scene and this cool menacing soundtrack,as the opening credits roll.

In the present day, Arnold is teleported on the street at night,naked,with a blank,yet menacing look on his face. He finds a group of punk rockers and takes their clothes.


The very same night,another man is teleported on the street,just that this teleportation seems to have affected him. He takes the pants of a homeless man,and is chased by the police on the street and through a shop.


Arnold is in a weapons store, getting a lot of them,killing the seller as soon as he has all he needs. He then starts killing all the women by the name of Sarah Connor in town. His character is established as the bad guy.


While at work,Sarah Connor, is put in front of the tv set by her co-workers,telling her she's famous,someone is killing the Sarah Connors in town.


Going out that very same night, Sarah sees the man who teleported the night before, following her. She enters a club and calls the police. They tell her to wait for them there.


Arnold goes to Sarah's house,and this time doesn't knock,and kills Sarah's friend and her boyfriend. Due to bad timing on Sarah's part,the terminator finds out he didn't kill Sarah and goes after her to the club.


As the terminator makes his move in the club,the man who teleported the night before shoots him and tells Sarah to go with him if she wants to live. The good guy is established.


After a shoot-out between the two teleported from the future,the police take Kyle Reese into custody,thinking him crazy. The terminator comes to the police station and and kills every cop in an attempt to get to Sarah. Kyle appears in the nick of time and saves her.


Kyle tells Sarah she is the mother of the future savior of the world,in a fight against the machines which become self aware and start a war against humans,trying to render them extinct. He tells her the machines try to win the war by killing the leader of the resistance,John Connor,her son, by killing his mother,making sure he was never born.


We get to see the future war through the dreams or more like,nightmares Reese has,and through the story he tells Sarah.


The soundtrack had the same Terminator music that we know,just that in certain action scenes they had '80's soundtrack music which to me really didn't match.


The visual effects are really good for 1984,the movie still stands out in the sea of action movies,it's still one of the best I 've ever watched.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !