The wasp woman

Year of release : 1995


Run time : 1h17min


Genre : Horror / Television / Body Horror



The movie is a remake of the 1959 movie of the same name.


Janice is a beautiful woman who owns a cosmetics company. She was always the face of the products she sells, but now he misogynistic men tell her it's time to step off and let a young woman take on her role,although she doesn't look a day over 30 (Jennifer Rubin who played Janice was 32 when the movie was made,and 33 when it came out)!

Honestly, I'm sick of seeing young women being told they're old! Just chose and older woman to play the role, or put heavy makeup on her to make her look old!


She works in secret with a scientist working on a youth serum developed from wasps hormones. The scientist tries the youth serum on a cat,and the poor thing turns into a kitten pretty fast. Eager to look young again, and be desired by men, Janice forces the scientist to give her the serum.


The cat turns into a wasp and k1lls the scientist.


Janice can't find the scientist,but is not worried enough to call the police (or anyone), she just comes by his office whenever she needs a dose (she's like a junkie,although it seems that one dose is enough),leaving the place unlocked, as there's nothing sinister going on here (this movie is so dumb!).


She looks 25,some say 21,again..(to me she looks the same age !) and men want her again. Janice sees this as an opportunity to get back at the men who hurt her with their mean words,by..sleeping with them,and k1lling them in the process.


This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! It was cut weird, you see them talk in one scene,and right way they are in a different setting,on the bed, as if they teleported there!

There's a scene with the guy who brings the scientist the wasps driving at night, and he just drives without looking at the road,for a long portion of the time (he was looking for the cat through his car)!I kept on laughing as he would have been in a ditch somewhere in reality! It looked like the car was driving itself, and then there was this ridiculous car crash with some police car,exploding!

Instead of using this opportunity to make a better remake, to put the accent on her mental state, making it a psychological thriller, they turned her into a wasp who was shape-shifting whenever she felt angry or jealous, shifting just to k1ll people!

The s3x scenes are some of the worst I've ever seen, and are cut weird!


The characters had no depth, and the audience had no idea why they were doing what they were doing! My guess is the lead was used to being young and beautiful,and she tried to hold on to what she knew,what she had,her face being her most valuable possession,without it being nothing,the fear of growing old,consuming her.


The acting was so bad from everyone involved! They looked so bored, stiff,robotic in gestures, they had no energy!


The visual effects were ridiculously bad for 1995! The ones of the original were better !


The soundtrack was bad, it was always on,and 90% of the time it didn't match what was happening on the screen! At times the soundtrack was good,if only they kept it that way! Most of the times they played this saxophone music which to me is music which belongs in s3xy movies,or at least s3x scenes.


Viewer discretion is advised, as the movie contains nudity.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : The horror,The HORROR!



