The wedding date

Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h26min


Genre : Comedy / Romance


Cast : Amy Adams, Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Jack Davenport



The movie is adapted from " Asking for trouble" by Elizabeth Young,published in 2000.


Kat decides to hire a male escort to go to her little sister's wedding,in England. They meet on the plane where he completely charms her.

The moment they land in England,she panics thinking they are dressed to match, so she spends a lot of time looking for a different outfit.

At her parents house, she introduces him to everyone, and everybody loves him.

Her sister seems annoying, acting childish, always wanting to be the center of attention.

Her mother is nagging, always focusing on Kat, even at the wedding reception, she starts talking about her and her failed relationships when she has to give a toast to the groom and bride!

Kat seems still into her ex who left her before the wedding, two years before! She gets the idea he might want her back(eye roll).


I personally liked the movie, although there are certain things about it I didn't like, like the fact these women drink themselves under the table, such an unattractive look. I also,didn't quite like the outfits.


The actors were fine.

The soundtrack was so and so.


Viewer discretion is advised,as the movie contains nudity and explicit language.


The movie is for rent / sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Redbox,Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !