The widow

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h26min


Genre : Horror



Members of a research team go into the woods near St.Petersburg where people have gone missing for decades,looking for a kid,Nikita. The area is filled with mystery and legends of a witch who plays with people leaving them naked and dead.

They take with them a film crew who is interested in the story and is making a documentary.

They find an old naked woman,and clothe her,taking her with them.She keeps on reciting a sort of prayer,to keep the evil at bay.


Night falls while they still look for the kid,and they can't seem to find their way out of the forest,as they keep on encountering dead ends of sorts.

People keep on separating from the group,and whenever they do,things never end well for them.


The movie didn't lean on cheap jump scares or gory visual effects.


I liked the visual effects,the soundtrack..eerie and beautiful.

The acting was great,oh,and I loved the dog,Yukon.


Rating : It's so money !