The wolf of Snow Hollow

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h23min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Jim Cummings, Robert Forster



The leading character has been 3 years sober,when the action starts.

A series of gruesome murders start taking place,making people believe a werewolf did it,as it left big paw marks and it only happened on the full moon.


The leading police officer doesn’t believe in that theory first of all because they don’t exist and 2nd ,because the killer took body parts.


As the killer keeps on hunting,the police officer goes on a downward spiral,starting to drink again,becoming very aggressive,picking fights with everyone,including his fellow police officers,firing some of them.


The movie is funny,it has horror and thriller elements too. I liked how it was shut,the colors, I like how it blends the scenes as if trying to hide the truth,or like the memory of someone who’s been drinking,unable to tell time.


The actors were all great.


Rating : It's so money !