The woman in the window

Year of release : 1944


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Noir / Suspense



The movie is based on the 1942 best selling book " Once off guard " by J.H. Wallis.


Professor Wanley and his friends / coworkers admire the portrait of a woman displayed in a window near their club. After talking with them what having a mistress entails,that very same night, he sees the woman's reflection in the window, as he admires her portrait again. They start talking and end up at her house ,as she promised she had more portraits of herself.


The woman's lover shows up and starts a fight with the professor,the professor ending up killing him.


He plans with the woman to get rid of the body and never speak or see each other again.


He was not very good at covering his tracks,as he just drove for a while,and left the body near the road,in a forested area! He could have at least covered the body if not bury it!


His friends at the police are telling him the murdered man is a prolific rich man, and he is astonished by the amount of detail the police knows about the murder just by looking at the place where the body was disposed of!


To be honest,I was impressed too, hearing that in 1944,the police could tell the weight of someone based on their shoes, and how they walked in them, the fabric and blood caught in barb wire, and the murder weapon used based on the wound!


The movie doesn't give any reason as to why in that era a woman would invite a man at her place late at night,nor her reasons as to why she wanted the man dead,actually they made so,it was really an accident and she didn't want him dead...


I didn't like the way it ended, SPOILER as they changed their minds,maybe they thought the movie was too dark for 1944,so they made it all be a dream!


The link to the full YouTube movie here :


Rating : Worth a watch !