Things heard and seen

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h01min


Genre : Drama / Horror


Cast : Amanda Seyfried



The movie is actually based on a book,All things cease to appear,by Elizabeth Brundage.


Catherine moves with her husband to a small town as he finally gets a job there as a professor.

Once there,weird things start happening around the house. Their daughter sees a ghost,but the husband / father doesn't believe her and gives her drugs for night terrors. The wife smells the car exhaust fumes at night in the bedroom,but the husband tells her off. He starts an affair with a student he pursues,and is quite distant towards his wife.


When I watched the announcement / trailer for this movie,it was built like a horror movie. Problem is,this is more of a drama laced with horror tropes,but it's not horror per se.

Nothing happens in the movie in the first hour. The ghost shows up only two times in the first hour. We know nothing about the characters in all this time,and we never really will,much. All we know is that the wife is bulimic,she moves to the country because her husband gets a dream job,and that the husband is cheating on her ( he's actually hitting on a student with his kid right next to him. The student knows he's married but she still has an affair with him)


One of the husband's colleagues / superior is into seances,so they have one at the house when the husband is not there because he doesn't believe in such things and is against it. They discover they have not one but two ghosts in the house,one good,one evil. The colleague tells Catherine that if an evil ghost is in the house that's because it has a person to feed on,and that she should be careful of the ones around her.


From here on, the movie doesn't make any sense anymore.


MAJOR SPOILERS  The husband goes on a killing spree as the colleague and also his superior finds out he forged the recommendation signature. He drowns this man,tries to kill a woman who's onto him (another one of his colleagues) in a car crash.. apparently he might also have killed his cousin and stole his paintings...lying they are his own work..

So,by now we are shown the evil ghost is in his head,we can't actually see how he looks like. He ends up killing his wife,I guess because she wanted to leave him. He brings a kid to babysit his own daughter with the dead wife in the house,telling them not to disturb them.


The wife becomes a ghost joining the other wife / good ghost of the house...and in the end he just goes sailing in a storm.


This movie  is very slow paced and not much happens until the last half an hour.

I hated it!


The actors were good,but what is it good for since they don't have a good story to grip the audience with?


The movie is streaming on Netflix.